Disposal Reporting and Goal Measurement


CalRecycle’s Disposal Reporting System (DRS) assigns accountability for disposed solid waste to the jurisdiction from which it came. Beginning in 2007, jurisdictions use the Disposal Reporting System to calculate per capita disposal. Counties receive disposal information from each permitted disposal facility within their boundaries. Counties then send quarterly disposal reports to CalRecycle and each jurisdiction that disposed waste in that county.


    • “Disposal” means all solid waste from all sources within California jurisdiction boundaries, transported by all types of haulers (including self-haul) to Board-permitted disposal or transformation facilities.
    • “Disposal” also means: (1) all out-of-state solid waste from all sources, imported to Board-permitted disposal or transformation facilities, and (2) all solid waste originating from all sources within California jurisdiction boundaries and exported out of state.
    • Disposal Reporting System” means the Board’s methods and procedures for tracking disposed and transformed waste and the database that contains information about the tons of waste disposed or transformed at all Board-permitted disposal or transformation facilities in the state.

Using Disposal Reporting to Estimate Per Capita Disposal

    • Solid waste sent to out-of-state landfills or to Indian country is disposal.
    • Disposal does not include approved alternative daily cover (ADC), alternative intermediate cover (AIC), or other beneficial reuse.
    • Each jurisdiction should receive quarterly disposal reports from each California county in which its waste is disposed. A jurisdiction must use the CalRecycle’s summary of tonnages from these county disposal reports to estimate its annual per capita disposal.
    • Each county must report disposal every quarter, every year.
    • If reported amounts appear inaccurate, a jurisdiction should first discern if there were extraordinary events during the report period that could result in unusual amounts of waste disposal. If none are apparent, then the jurisdiction should work with the reporting county, haulers, and landfills to investigate.
    • If, after working with the county, a jurisdiction still believes the reported disposal tonnage is inaccurate, it may present supporting information in its annual report to CalRecycle.
    • If existing or minimum reporting procedures do not meet jurisdiction needs, the jurisdiction should work with its haulers, facility operators and the county to improve DRS reporting.
    • Counties must ensure each solid waste facility within its boundaries meets its minimum disposal reporting requirements. Under its own authority, a county may require facilities to perform more extensive reporting to improve accuracy.
    • With documentation, jurisdictions may request a deduction from disposal for: regional diversion facility residue, disaster waste tonnage, regional medical waste treatment facility residue, waste exported out of state that was subsequently diverted, and some special wastes.
    • Reporting-year disposal is divided by the population or industry employment of the jurisdiction, which is then multiplied by 365 (days in a year) to determine per capita disposal for population or employment. For details on goal measurement for 2007 and subsequent years, the new goal measurement system is described in CalRecycle’s Goal Measurement: 2007 and Later web page.

Legislation, Statutes, and Regulations


Chapter 1292, Statutes of 1992 (Sher, AB 2494), amended by Chapter 1227, Statutes of 1994 (Sher, AB 688).

Chapter 343, Statutes of 2008 (Wiggins, SB 1016)

Statute: Public Resources Code (PRC) Section

PRC 40192, Definition of disposal
PRC 41821.5, Disposal Facility Tracking Requirements


Title 14, California Code of Regulations (14 CCR), Chapter 9, Article 9.2, Disposal Reporting Requirements.
Title 27, California Code of Regulations (27 CCR), Division 2, Chapter 3, Article 2, CIWMB-Daily and Intermediate Cover.

For more information contact: Local Assistance & Market Development, LAMD@calrecycle.ca.gov or (916) 341-6199.