Enforcement Program Plan Toolbox
The Enforcement Program Plan (EPP) Toolbox provides online tools and resources to provide guidance to local enforcement agencies (LEA) in regards to the EPP-related tasks and responsibilities.
The EPP is required to be established and maintained by the LEA pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 43209(e) and Title 14, California Code of Regulations (14 CCR) Section 18077. The EPP is the document CalRecycle uses to certify the LEA’s status as a local enforcement agency and to verify that the LEA is meeting all of its legal duties under the Public Resources Code and Title 14.
How to Use the Toolbox
To navigate this resource, use the links on the menu to your left (which are also listed/described below).
- Annual Update Process Summary. A brief five-step overview of the process.
- Annual Update Guidance. Detailed guidance on the process.
- Contacts
Toolbox Maintenance
This resource will be continuously changing and improving based on new information and your feedback.
Contacts by Jurisdiction
LEA Certification and Evaluation Supervisor: Mary Kay Shafer
Contacts by Jurisdiction
Jurisdiction | LEA Code | CalRecycle Staff Contact |
Alameda County | 01-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Alpine County | 02-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Amador County | 03-AA | Lynn Smith |
Butte County | 04-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Calaveras County | 05-AA | Lynn Smith |
Colusa County | 06-AA | Lynn Smith |
Contra Costa County | 07-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
City of Pittsburg | 07-AC | Diana Cozadd |
Del Norte County | 08-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
El Dorado County | 09-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Fresno County | 10-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Glenn County | 11-AA | Lynn Smith |
Humboldt County | 12-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Imperial County | 13-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Inyo County | 14-AA | Lynn Smith |
Kern County | 15-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Kings County | 16-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Lake County | 17-AA | Lynn Smith |
Lassen County | 18-AA | Lynn Smith |
Los Angeles County | 19-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
City of West Covina | 19-AF | Mary Kay Shafer |
City of Los Angeles | 19-AR | Diana Cozadd |
Sunshine Canyon Landfill | 19-AT | Diana Cozadd |
City of Vernon | 19-DE | Diana Cozadd |
Madera County | 20--AA | Lynn Smith |
Marin County | 21-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Mariposa County | 22-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Mendocino County | 23-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Merced County | 24-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Modoc County | 25-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Mono County | 26-AA | Lynn Smith |
Monterey County | 27-AA | Lynn Smith |
Napa County | 28-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Nevada County | 29-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Orange County | 30-AB | Lynn Smith |
Placer County | 31-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Plumas County | 32-AA | Lynn Smith |
Riverside County | 33-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Sacramento County | 34-AA | Diana Cozadd |
San Bernardino County | 36-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
San Diego County | 37-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
City of San Diego | 37-AB | Diana Cozadd |
San Francisco County | 38-AA | Diana Cozadd |
San Joaquin County | 39-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
San Mateo County | 41-AA | Lynn Smith |
Santa Barbara County | 42-AA | Lynn Smith |
Santa Clara County | 43-AA | Lynn Smith |
City of San Jose | 43-AN | Diana Cozadd |
Shasta County | 45-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Sierra County | 46-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Siskiyou County | 47-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Solano County | 48-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Sonoma County | 49-AA | Lynn Smith |
Sutter County | 51-AA | Lynn Smith |
Tehama County | 52-AA | Lynn Smith |
Trinity County | 53-AA | Lynn Smith |
Tulare County | 54-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Tuolumne County | 55-AA | Lynn Smith |
Ventura County | 56-AA | Sandra Jimenez |
Yolo County | 57-AA | Diana Cozadd |
Yuba County | 58-AA | Lynn Smith |
Submittal Guidelines
The minimum Enforcement Program Plan (EPP) documents required are described in 18077(a)(1-13). Samples are available on the Forms and Documents page.
- EPP updates are to be submitted as individual pdf documents directly though the SWIS Agency Portal. For more information, see SWIS Agency Portal Submit Document Page Updates February 2023.
- Highlight updates made in Section 10-13 (Procedure Manuals). This will assist CalRecycle staff with identifying the updated text and/or section of the manual.
Specific Updates:
- 18051 (2)(f)-Hearing panel/hearing officer must be updated prior to expiration
- 18077 (a)(6)-Tally of comprehensive facility type and vehicle type list-should match SWIS and designated information package (DIP) enumeration list
- 18077 (a)(7)-Time-task analysis (TTA) should match comprehensive tally; if no change, submit updated TTA with new FY.
- 18077 (a)(9)-LEA operating budget; if no change, submit updated budget with new FY.
Guidance Documents, Forms and Sample Documents
For your convenience, the guidance PDFs below provide in-depth details on the EPP annual review.
- Annual Update Guidance. Guidance provided to LEAs to assist with the annual update of the EPP
- Budget Guide. Guidance provided to LEAs during the annual update to meet 14 CCR 18074 Category Requirements for the LEA EPP
- Checklist. Checklist provided to LEAs to indicate what changes and/or updates to EPP documents are being submitted. (Required to be submitted with the annual EPP update.)
The PDF forms below may be used by the LEA.
- Vehicle Inspection Frequency. Inspection frequency form used by LEAs to indicate when they inspect solid waste handling and collection equipment pursuant to 14 CCR 18083(a)(8).
- Budget. Budget form for LEAs designed to satisfy the requirements of 14 CCR 18074 Adequacy of Budget Resources
- Time-Task Analysis. Time-task analysis form provided to LEAs to demonstrate that the LEA has adequate staff to carry out all the duties of the solid waste permitting and inspection program per 14 CCR 18073
- Enumeration of Solid Waste Handling/Collection Operators. Enumeration form that LEAs may use to document Solid Waste Handling/Collection Operators per 14 CCR 18051(i) and 17332
- Hearing Panel/Hearing Officer. Form for LEAs to identify members of the hearing panel/hearing officer pursuant to 14 CCR 18060 (or may submit resolution)
Sample Documents
The PDFs below provide examples of how to complete some of the forms listed above.
- Budget
- Time-Task Analysis
- Enumeration of Solid Waste Handling/Collection Operators
- Hearing Officer Resolution/Qualifications/Procedures Sample
- Independent Hearing Panel Resolution Sample Coming Soon!
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the Enforcement Program Plan (EPP) need to be updated every year?
Yes, updates to the EPP must be submitted annually. Per 14 CCR 18081(e)(4), “The components of the EPP shall be reviewed and amended by the LEA annually or more frequently as determined by CalRecycle to reflect any changes.”
What items are required to be submitted during the Annual Update?
Not all components need to be submitted every year. Please see the guide below to determine what items the LEA is required to provide to CalRecycle during the Annual Update:
Items that must be updated:
- Facility & Vehicle Tally 18077 (a)(6)
- Needed to prepare the Time Task Analysis (TTA).
- Should match the SWIS database (SWIS) and the Designation Information Package (DIP).
- Time-Task Analysis 18077 (a)(7)
- If no change, resubmit with the current fiscal year indicated.
- Budget 18077 (a)(9)
- If no change, resubmit with the current fiscal year indicated.
Items that may be updated:
- EPP Goals & Objectives 18077 (a)(3)
- Update as needed.
- Local Solid Waste Ordinances 18077(a)(5)
- Update if any local ordinances or regulations change.
- Staff Technical Expertise 18077(a)(8)
- Document any LEA program staffing changes or changes in the TTA that would alter the number of staff needed to perform LEA duties and responsibilities.
- Staff Training Procedures 18077(a)(10)
- Update as needed.
- Permitting, Closure/Postclosure Manual 18077(a)(11)
- Permitting manual updates are unnecessary if referring to CalRecycle Permit Toolbox.
- Closure/Postclosure Manual requires review to ensure manual is up-to-date with changes in statute or regulations.
- Inspection, Investigation, Compliance, Assurance, Enforcement & Hearing Panel Utilization Manual 18077 (a)(12)
- Requires review to ensure manual is up-to-date with changes in statute or regulations.
- Disposal Site ID, Assessment & Corrective Action Procedure Manual 18077(a)(13)
- No update necessary if referring to CalRecycle Closed, Illegal and Abandoned Tools.
- Form 1000, LEA Designation 18077(a)(2) & DIP 18051(a)
- Reflect current LEA information.
- New information may be submitted in a letter format.
- A new Form 1000 with a local governing body signature is only required if the designated LEA or its jurisdiction of authority has changed.
- Organizational Chart Documentation LEA Separation 18077(a)(2) & DIP 18051(d)
- Ensure and document clear separation of LEA from any public agencies or departments which own/operate sites in that jurisdiction under the local governing body.
- Organizational Chart of Designated Agency 18077(a)(2) & DIP 18051(e)
- Update to reflect staffing changes, etc.
- Hearing Panel Member/Officer 18077(a)(2) & DIP 18051(f)
- Check to make sure Hearing Panel/Officer member status is current. Must be updated prior to expiration.
- Waste Facilities & Disposal Site Enumeration 18077(a)(2) & DIP 18051(h)
- Update when facilities are added or removed.
- Update owner/operator contact information as needed.
- Collection Operation & Handling Enumeration 18077(a)(2) & DIP 18051(i)
- Update as needed.
Items that are unlikely to be updated:
- Certification Request Letter 18077(a)(1)
- Update if LEA is changing the types of certification to include new solid waste facilities for which the LEA has no certification.
- Cover Letter (with DIP submittal) 18077(a)(2) & DIP 18051(b)
- Not required to be updated.
- Enabling Resolutions 18077(a)(2) & DIP 18051(c)
- Update when there is a newly incorporated city/cities within the jurisdiction that may affect the majority requirement for certification.
- Enabling Ordinances or Resolutions for Jurisdictional Authority 18077(a)(4)
- Update when there is a newly incorporated city/cities within the jurisdiction that may affect the majority requirement for certification.
- Tabulation of Municipal Resolutions 18077(a)(2) & DIP 18051(g)
- Update when there is a newly incorporated city/cities within the jurisdiction that may affect the majority requirement for certification.
Does CalRecycle offer any forms or samples of the EPP items?
Yes, you may find forms and/or sample documents on the Forms and Sample toggle on this page. You may also contact your LEA Evaluation Specialist for more details.
Can the EPP be submitted electronically?
Yes, the EPP may be submitted electronically. Please follow the CalRecycle Guidelines on Electronic Submittal of the EPP on this page.