Zone Administrators

Zone administrators (ZA) are RMDZ contacts at the local level. The following provides resources for zone administrators and discusses their responsibilities.

  • Create a network of economic development and recycling professionals. Economic development professionals are experienced in business recruitment, marketing, financing options, and siting assistance. Solid waste professionals are familiar with local recycling efforts, waste stream characteristics, materials in need of local markets, and contracts which may be in place and affect the availability of recovered materials. 
  • Establish measurable objectives for your zone. The original zone application discussed zone-specific objectives. Those objectives should merge both business and market development goals and include targeted industries and feedstocks. Establishing measurable objectives helps to maintain focus on key activities and provides the basis for evaluating progress.
  • Serve as a central contact point for zone issues. The zone administrator is the central contact point for zone issues. This is particularly important for multijurisdictional zones. It is the responsibility of the zone administrator to share information with others on the zone team and to serve as a partner to assigned CalRecycle zone liaison staff.

Submit annual progress reports to CalRecycle.

Regulations require zones to submit annual progress reports to CalRecycle. Currently, these reports are due at the end of the first quarter of each calendar year.
At a minimum, the reports will include the names and addresses of recycling-based manufacturers that you assisted, businesses that were actually sited during the specific reporting period, and the types and amounts of postconsumer waste materials that were used and diverted from the landfills.

  • The report should also include proposed marketing and outreach activities.
  • Submissions of the annual progress reports occurred online through the Zone Information Reporting System’s (ZIRS) web application.
  • Zone administrators or approved zone representatives can access ZIRS with a CalRecycle WebPass.
  • Contact your zone liaison for further questions.

Market the zone to businesses.

  • As a zone administrator, one of your primary tasks is to identify recycling-based manufacturers and processors in your zone and to inform them about what your zone has to offer.
  • It is also valuable to provide this information to businesses outside of your zone that may be interested in relocating within your zone.
  • Your original zone application included a marketing plan, which should be implemented and updated as needed.

Screen and refer prospective loan applicants to your RMDZ loan program representative.

  • As a zone administrator, you are frequently the first point of contact with businesses in your zone that are interested in applying for an RMDZ loan.
  • You should conduct an initial screening of the business, which typically includes a site visit, to determine if the project meets program qualification criteria.
    • Your CalRecycle zone liaison/loan program representative is available to assist you in this activity.
    • Once screened, the next step is to refer the applicant to a loan program representative to determine the financial eligibility of the project.

Be familiar with financing options and services available to businesses.

Help manufacturers locate feedstock.

  • As you meet with manufacturers, they may request assistance in finding a reliable and consistent source of feedstock.
  • It is useful to be familiar with the recycling infrastructure within your zone in order to identify feedstock sources.
  • The zone administrator or a member of your network should be familiar with the waste characterization of the area and know whether certain material types are available.
  • Your CalRecycle zone liaison can also provide general waste characterization information for feedstock in your region.

Provide businesses with siting assistance.

  • Businesses interested in moving into your zone will likely need assistance in finding a site and learning about any permit requirements.
  • Zone administrators should be able to “hold their client’s hand” through the siting process.
    • This may include providing listings of available buildings and land, arranging tours, and serving as a liaison to local government agencies regarding any required permits. 

Be familiar with the RMDZ loan program.

  • The primary financial resource CalRecycle offers to zones is the low-interest RMDZ loan program.
    • While the program fills a vital niche in financing recycling businesses, it may not be a viable option for all the businesses you are likely to encounter.
    • It is essential that you, as a zone administrator, understand CalRecycle’s lending criteria, project qualification criteria and loan approval process.

For more RMDZ information and resources, contact your zone administrator.