Waste Tire Recycling Management Program


To inform California’s waste tire regulatory goals, CalRecycle publishes an annual Tire Market and Analysis Report. The report examines California’s waste tire flows and highlights market insights, trends and opportunities for advancing a circular economy.

The report provides an overview of the current waste tire market in California, both overall and by segment.
Market segments include:

  • Ground rubber markets (such as rubberized pavement, synthetic turf, pour-in-place playgrounds, mulch, and molded/extruded products);
  • Civil engineering applications;
  • Alternative daily cover (ADC);
  • Export and Disposal

The current report, along with past versions, can be downloaded from CalRecycle’s online publications catalog and can be accessed below:

Current Tire Market and Analysis Report:

For more information contact: Tire Management Program Hotline, WasteTires@calrecycle.ca.gov