If your company manufactures with recycled materials the California Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) Program provides attractive loans and other incentives to eligible businesses that are located in designated areas throughout the state.
Recycling Market Development Zones are for businesses that manufacture products using materials that would normally end up at the landfill. The company must be located in one of the specially designated geographical zones throughout California.
Companies that manufacture with these materials have found that making recycled content products can be less expensive and just as high quality, if not higher, than when using raw materials. Depending on your needs and in which zone you are located, there are many ways that the RMDZ program can assist your business:

- Locating manufacturing materials (feedstock).
- Permitting referral.
- Siting.
- Offering an attractive loan program.
- Finding markets for products.
- Providing current market conditions/trends.
- Evaluating technology and equipment.
- Providing geographical data on demographics, waste streams, and economics.
- Marketing products for free via the RecycleStore.
For more information, search for a Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) and contact the local zone’s administrator, or CalRecycle Zone Liaison. On the California Business Portal site, you can also learn about establishing a business in California, including matters related to business permits, licensing, and registration.
Other Resources for Your Growing Business
- California Employment Development Department–Useful tips on developing your business, employee matters, and taxes.
- Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)–Business executives, whose collective experience spans the full range of American enterprise, share their management and technical expertise with present and prospective owners/managers of small businesses.
- CalTrans New Products–Guidelines on how to get products listed with CalTrans.
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