School District Administration

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CalRecycle has compiled resources to help school administrators draft and implement environmental policies in their school districts.

Sample Policies and Procedures

School Board Environmental Policies

School District Communications to School Principals

Green Schools

Green schools minimize the impact of their operations on the environment through more efficient use of energy and other natural resources, reduced use of toxic materials, and efforts to improve indoor/outdoor air quality. These practices have been found to produce a number of health, academic, financial, and environmental benefits, including:

  • Reduced rates of asthma, respiratory tract infections and disease, allergic reactions, and other health conditions
  • Improved student attendance and academic performance
  • Cost savings on utilities and buildings
  • Lower emissions of pollutants
  • Conservation of natural resource

School Communications to Parents and Students

When your environmental policy is adopted, publicize it widely throughout your school district. Communicate the policy to students and parents by sending home a notice that references related program information in student/parent handbooks.

For more information contact: Schools Program,