Rigid Plastic Packaging Container (RPPC) Certification Process

The RPPC certification process takes a phased approach:
Phase 1: Registration
Phase 2: Pre-Certification Selection
Phase 3a: Compliance Certification Selection
Phase 3b: Compliance Certification Submission
Phase 1: Registration
Registration is required for manufacturers of products in RPPCs either sold or offered for sale in California.
- Selling includes direct sales, retail sales, and remote sales through distributors, wholesalers, and the Internet.
- To complete registration, go to CalRecycle’s RPPC Registration webpage.
- CalRecycle Notice to Register: Product Manufacturers receiving a notice to register must respond within 90 calendar days from the date they receive the notice.
- A personalized registration link will be provided in the notice.
What if I don’t register?
Failing to register your company within 90 calendar days of receiving a notice, or submitting false or misleading information, are violations of the law and may result in fines of up to $100,000.
Phase 2: Pre-Certification
- The Pre-Certification phase provides product manufacturers a one-year advance notice they may be selected to certify compliance.
- The advance notice provides product manufacturers the opportunity to review RPPC requirements and ensure RPPCs comply with the law.
- Each year, CalRecycle selects product manufacturers to send the Pre-Certification Notice.
- The Pre-Certification Notice provides a secure, designated web address for completing Pre-Certification requirements.
- Product manufacturers must submit their contact information within 90 calendar days of receipt of the notice or be subject to penalties.
- In the year following the Pre-Certification Notice, CalRecycle selects a group of product manufacturers for the Compliance Certification phase.
Phase 3a & 3b: Compliance Certification
- Product manufacturers selected to participate in the Compliance Certification phase are required to certify that all RPPCs holding products sold or offered for sale in California comply with the RPPC container requirements.
- CalRecycle notifies product manufacturers of compliance certification requirements on or before March 31 each year.
- Notified product manufacturers must submit a compliance certification for the measurement period of January 1 through December 31 of the year notified.
- Compliance certifications are due by April 1 of the following year.
- Product manufacturers who do not comply with the RPPC law will be subject to penalties.

CalRecycle has developed RPPC compliance certification templates that may be used by product and container manufacturers.
Product manufacturers are not required to use these templates to comply with the law.
The templates were:
- Designed to align with the reporting and data requirements outlined in the statute and regulations.
- Developed for most compliance options
Product Manufacturer Certification Templates
- Signatory Page
- Postconsumer Material
- Source Reduction (achieved by):
- Reusable RPPC
- Private Labeler
Container Manufacturer Certification Templates
Phone: (916) 341-6717 | Email: RPPC@calrecycle.ca.gov | Fax: (916) 319-7102