Fill out the form below to submit a Recycling Services or Food Recovery Collection complaint, for things such as:
- Missing signage or labeling on waste bins
- Lack of education and outreach materials on how to dispose of materials
- No inspections of bins
- No edible food recovery
- No blue or green waste bin collection service
- Missing blue or green waste bin
NOTE: If an alleged violation is under the authority of a local jurisdiction (city, county, special district, or regional agency), contact them directly using their complaint procedure. If CalRecycle receives a complaint about an alleged violation that is determined to be under the enforcement authority of a local jurisdiction, CalRecycle will refer the complaint to that local jurisdiction for investigation.
Complaints about a jurisdiction (e.g., city, county, special district who provides solid waste collection services, or regional agency), a non-local entity (e.g., state agency or federal facility), or a local education agency (e.g., public school district) should be submitted using the form below.
For further information regarding CalRecycle’s investigations of complaints of alleged violations, see 14 CCR Section 18996.8.
To submit a complaint about Beverage Containers, send an email to
To submit a complaint about Waste Tires, send an email to
To submit a complaint against a RDRS facility, send an email to
To submit a complaint about language access, fill out the downloadable form.