Compost and Mulch Producers
Nearly 170 businesses in California produce compost and mulch. An extensive survey conducted in 2008 provided CalRecycle with key information on the number of producers, feedstock sources, products, and markets for compost and mulch. CalRecycle provides regulatory oversight and marketing assistance to compost and mulch producers.
Permits and Regulations
Most commercial compost producers are subject to California regulation. See the Fact Sheet on Solid Waste Facility Permits for additional information. Certain aspects of mulch operations are also regulated. Local Enforcement Agencies (LEA) oversee the permitting and oversight of composting and mulch operations. The composting regulations can be viewed on CalRecycle’s website.
- Permit Tasks: Identifies the permit process tasks and permit application elements that apply to each type of permit.
- Permit Toolbox: Provides online permit tools and resources.
Product Quality
The quality of a compost product can be determined by testing for specific characteristics, including pH, soluble salts, nutrient content, organic matter, maturity, and stability. Appropriate ranges for specific characteristics depend on the type of application. Several resources are available to assist compost operators and purchasers in determining the suitability of a compost product for a specific type of application.
Compost and Mulch Producer/Supplier Resources
CalRecycle offers free advertising to compost and mulch producers on a Web-searchable database and is working to increase the number of registered producers.
CalRecycle also supports various research projects and demonstrations to help research and promote the benefits of compost and mulch.
(916) 341-6809 (LEA support, outreach)