Annual Reporting
For Recyclers, Renovators, and Solid Waste Facilities
In accordance with the California Used Mattress Recovery and Recycling Act, mattress recyclers, renovators, and solid waste facilities (reporting entities) must submit an annual report to CalRecycle by May 1, each year (Public Resources Code (PRC) section 42986).
The annual reports must meet the requirements listed in Title 14, California Code of Regulations (CCR) sections 18965-18967, which includes contact information and quantitative information.
Annual reports are used by CalRecycle and the mattress recycling organization (Mattress Recycling Council) to assess the program and establish and update the mattress recycling goals for the state.
What information must be reported?
- Recyclers, renovators, and solid waste facilities must report the number of units (mattresses and foundations) received from California sources (and non-California sources, if any) for the calendar year.
- Recyclers must report the weights of materials recycled.
- Renovators must report the number of units renovated and sold in California.
- Solid waste facilities must report the number of units landfilled, recycled, and renovated.
Complete requirements can be found in 14 CCR sections 18965-18967.
Annual Reporting Resources
Reporting entities must access a secure online database portal to enter the information required by the law for the annual report.
The database helps mattress recyclers, renovators, and solid waste facilities meet their reporting obligations to both CalRecycle and the Mattress Recycling Council (14 CCR sections 18965-18967).
The annual report requires only total amounts for the calendar year, along with ancillary information.
To assist reporting entities with compiling the data needed to complete the annual report, CalRecycle has provided the following resources:
- Questions and Answers about Annual Reporting
- Annual Reporting Training Webinar Recording, YouTube (00:35:23)
- Annual reporting tracking spreadsheets to assist in record-keeping throughout the year are available upon request
- Annual reporting forms are available in Spanish upon request
To request an annual reporting form in Spanish, a tracking spreadsheet, or if you have additional questions, email