Regulation Implementation Guidance

Local Enforcement Agencies may find this information helpful in navigating some solid waste facility regulations.

Note: The information, if utilized, should be done so in the context of the regulations. The guidance itself is not enforceable in the same manner as regulations because CalRecycle has not adopted it through the formal rulemaking process (see Government Code sections 11340.5 and 11342.6). The provided information alone should not be used to support any potential Local Enforcement Agency enforcement actions.

SB 1383 Facility Training Videos

Trainings [Note: These videos are not eligible for Continuing Education Units (CEU)]

Measurement Demonstration Videos

  • Transfer/Processing Facility: Measuring SSO (Recovery), YouTube (00:10:45)
  • Transfer/Processing Facility: Measuring MO (Recovery), YouTube (00:10:47)
  • Transfer/Processing Facility: Measuring MO (Disposal), YouTube (00:10:41)
  • Compost Facility: Measuring Material Destined for Landfill Disposal, YouTube (00:12:33)



Construction, Demolition, and Inert Debris

Landfills/Disposal Sites

Long-Term Post-closure Maintenance and Corrective Action Cost Estimates and Financial Assurance Demonstrations for Landfills

Landfill Gas Monitoring and Control Systems for Active Disposal Sites