Ralph Hunter Memorial Award

This award recognizes an individual who has made a major impact to LEA/solid waste program implementation by development of a special or new program, involvement with educational activities, involvement on committees and/or workgroups, involvement in the permitting and/or enforcement process, or any special achievement which enhances protection of public health and other environmental health principles through the LEA program.

The award was proposed by Greg Pirie of the Napa County LEA and is named to honor the late Ralph Hunter, former Director of the Napa County LEA Program. LEAs throughout the state can select nominees for the award by submitting nomination applications to the EAC. The EAC reviews the applications received using the criteria specified in the eligibility information and selects the award winner on an annual basis. The Chair of the EAC presents the award each year.


Congratulations to John Lewis, the 2023 Ralph Hunter Memorial Award winner!


  • 2023: John Lewis, Sacramento County LEA
  • 2022: Dorcas (Dee) Hanson-Lugo, Los Angeles County LEA
  • 2021: Gregory Reyes, Riverside County LEA
  • 2020: Gregory Schirle, San Mateo County LEA
  • 2019: Jeffrey Marshall, Kern County LEA
  • 2018: Kathy Cross, Orange County LEA
  • 2017: David Thompson, City of Los Angeles LEA
  • 2016: Lars Seifert, Imperial County LEA
  • 2015: Ossama “Sam” Abu Shaban, Orange County LEA
  • 2015: Janet E. Gardner, Fresno County LEA
  • 2014: Christopher G. Rummel, Santa Clara County LEA
  • 2013: Lisa J. Jameson, Sacramento County LEA
  • 2012: Ricardo M. Serrano, Solano County LEA
  • 2011: William E. Prinz, City of San Diego LEA
  • 2010: Rebecca Lafreniere, San Diego County LEA
  • 2009: Lori Braunesreither, Contra Costa County LEA
  • 2008: Patti Henshaw, Orange County LEA
  • 2007: Greg Pirie, Napa County LEA
  • 2006: Bob Swift, Sonoma County LEA
  • 2005: Tammy Derby, Sacramento County LEA
  • 2004: Mike Schmaeling, Santa Barbara County LEA

Nomination Procedures

Local Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) throughout the state can select nominees for the Ralph Hunter Memorial Award by submitting nomination applications to the Enforcement Advisory Council (EAC). The EAC reviews the applications received using the criteria specified in the eligibility information below, and then the Awards Committee selects a winner on an annual basis. The Chair of the EAC presents the award.

Purpose: To recognize an individual who has made a major impact to the LEA/solid waste field by development of a special or new program, involvement with educational activities, involvement on committees and/or workgroups, involvement in the permitting and/or enforcement process, or any special achievement which enhances the delivery of protecting the public health and other environmental health principles through the LEA/EA program.

Nomination Procedures

  1. EligibilityAny person employed by an LEA/EA for a minimum of two years. The person may be at a staff, supervisor, or management level of employment.
  2. Nomination Package:
    1. All information requested on the nomination form shall be completed. Please complete and submit the nomination form and complete package to the EAC.
    2. Nomination packages must indicate the name, title, address, employer, and phone number of the nominee and the name, phone number, and address of the LEA/EA making the nomination.
    3. Nomination packages shall include all possible documentation to demonstrate the accomplishments of the nominee, which have enhanced the field of environmental health through the LEA/EA program. The amount of detail provided outlining the accomplishment(s) is a critical component for the evaluation of the accomplishment. The following items are suggested:
      • Letter of introduction: cover letter introducing the nominee to the EAC
      • Contribution summary: please be as detailed as possible
      • Letters of support for the nominee: letters could come from the following agencies: other County or City LEA/EA, Planning Department, Public Works Department, Local Air Pollution Control Board, and/or Regional Water Board.
      • PowerPoint presentations: trainings or other presentations the nominee has given
  3. Criteria, Evaluation and Voting: The Awards Committee will evaluate the nomination based on the importance of project/program– subject of achievement, scope of impact on solid waste, and accompanying narrative and detailed documentation describing the achievement.
    1. Nomination packages will be evaluated by the Awards Committee using the rating criteria. All Award Committee members independently evaluate each nomination package and assign a score.
    2. Scores are forwarded to the EAC Chair, averaged, reviewed, and confirmed by the Awards Committee.
    3. The Awards Committee members, as a group, discuss the nominee’s final rating score, application package and scope of achievements.
    4. The EAC Chair requests a vote at the EAC Awards Committee meeting for final selection of the award recipient. If the Awards Committee determines that the nominees do not meet the criteria for the award, the award may not be given. If a nominee is selected, approval is through concurrence by resolution.

If a nominee is a member of the Awards Committee, the nominee shall recuse him/herself from the Awards Committee. The EAC Chair, with concurrence of the EAC, may request that a representative from the committee member’s Roundtable Region be selected for the Awards Committee.

Awards Committee

The Awards Committee consists of twelve individuals authorized to vote on a nominee. The committee is comprised of the EAC Chair, two Co-Chairs and seven members of the EAC; CCDEH Solid Waste Policy Committee Chair and CalRecycle’s Director or his/her designee.

The Award

The award consists of an engraved plaque for the recipient whose name will be included on a perpetual plaque (the EAC is responsible for creation of the plaque). The award may be presented at one of the following venues: the LEA Technical Training Conference, an LEA Roundtable, or at an event selected by the award recipient (Board of Supervisors meeting, local agency meeting, etc.)