In October 2014, CalRecycle completed a major revision to California’s waste tire regulations. This revision included provisions establishing and governing the operation of waste tire collection locations. After the regulations became final, CalRecycle received concerns from the regulated community that had not been provided during the rulemaking public comment period. This new input noted unanticipated impacts on certain waste tire companies’ operations. CalRecycle has considered this information and determined that it is appropriate to re-open and make certain changes to the collection location regulations to address these issues and make them more comprehensive and workable for the waste tire regulated community as a whole. In this proposed rulemaking CalRecycle also proposes making additional minor clarifying or administrative changes to other sections of the waste tire regulations.
Affected Regulatory Code Sections
Current Status and Documents
CalRecycle anticipates beginning the formal rulemaking process leading to adoption of the final regulations changes.
Interested stakeholders may email, call, fax, or write to the CalRecycle staff listed below.
Catherine Blair
Waste Permitting, Compliance, and Mitigation Division
California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
P.O. Box 4025
Sacramento, CA 95812-4025
If you would like to receive email notifications regarding this or future waste tire rulemaking developments, please subscribe to the Waste Tire Rulemaking Listserv.
Historical Information
Rulemaking History
- CalRecycle conducted an informal workshop (available by webcast) on March 15, 2016 to explain and obtain stakeholder input on CalRecycle’s proposed regulatory changes to the Waste Tire Collection Location reg
Stakeholder Input
- CalRecycle conducted an informal workshop (available by webcast) on March 15, 2016 to explain and obtain stakeholder input on CalRecycle’s proposed regulatory changes to the Waste Tire Collection Location regulations
For more information contact: Legislative and External Affairs Office,