Household Hazardous Waste Grants
CalRecycle’s Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Grant Program helps local governments implement safe HHW programs, which may include:
- Public education
- Source reduction
- Reuse
- Recycling
- Load check
- Collection components
These grants are available to:
- Local governments for cities, counties, and city and counties with direct responsibility for HHW management.
- Regional or local sanitation or waste agencies with direct responsibility for HHW management.
- Joint Powers Authorities (JPA) if the JPA agreement includes solid or hazardous waste management responsibilities.
- Qualifying Tribal Entities, meaning an Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community residing within the borders of California with direct responsibility for HHW management, which:
- Is recognized for special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of the status of its members as Indians; or
- Can show it is a government entity and meets the criteria of the grant program.
Eligible Costs
Grant awards are for costs to implement or expand household hazardous waste collection programs.
For detailed information about eligible and ineligible costs, refer to the Procedures and Requirements document.
CalRecycle allocates $1.5 million annually, subject to the availability of funds.
For general information, contact
Current Grant Cycle
Application materials for Fiscal Year 2024-25 were due August 20, 2024.
Upcoming Grant Cycles
How to Apply
Watch for the Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) on either of these two web pages:
Online Applications
CalRecycle grant applications are submitted online through the CalRecycle Grants Management System (GMS).
For general information about grants, contact
Current HHW recipients should reach out to their specific Program Advisor.
For more information contact: Used Oil & Household Hazardous Waste,