Notice of Funds Available: Recycled Fiber, Plastic, and Glass Grant Program (FY 2018–19)

The application period for fiscal year (FY) 2018-19 is now closed.

Awards | Submitted Application Listing | Criteria | Eligibility | Funding | Timeline and Cycle Details | Grant Administration Documents

The Recycled Fiber, Plastic, and Glass Grant Program is part of California Climate Investments, a statewide initiative that puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment—particularly in disadvantaged communities. The Cap-and-Trade Program also creates a financial incentive for industries to invest in clean technologies and develop innovative ways to reduce pollution. California Climate Investment projects include affordable housing, renewable energy, public transportation, zero-emission vehicles, environmental restoration, more sustainable agriculture, recycling, and much more. At least 35 percent of these investments are made in disadvantaged and low-income communities. For more information, visit California Climate Investments.

The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) administers a program to provide opportunities for the Recycled Fiber, Plastic, and Glass Grant Program (FPG program) pursuant Public Resources Code section 42999. This competitive program is designed to further the purposes of the California Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) by lowering overall greenhouse gas emissions through the expansion of existing capacity or establishment of new facilities in California that use California-generated postconsumer recycled fiber (paper, old corrugated cardboard, paper board, or textiles), plastic, or glass to manufacture products.


Note: “FPG” followed by a number is the cycle code for the Recycled Fiber, Plastic and Glass Grant Program.

Submitted Application Listing

Per California Climate Investments Funding Guidelines a listing of all submitted applications for this grant cycle is available. This includes submitted applications that may not be selected for funding. Any additional information of interest may be made available after the cycle is awarded via California Public Records Act Request.


Approval of Criteria, January 7, 2019


Eligible applicants include:

  • Local governments (cities, counties, or cities and counties).
    • Cities, counties, and cities and counties as defined in Public Resources Code section 30109.
    • Regional or local sanitation agencies, waste agencies, or Joint Powers Authorities.
  • Private, for-profit entities. For purposes of this program, a “private, for-profit entity” is defined as a business intended to operate at a profit and return a profit to its owners. The business must be qualified to do business in California and be in good standing with all applicable California state agencies, including, but not limited to, the Secretary of State and the Franchise Tax Board. Any and all subsidiaries, divisions or affiliated businesses are considered part of the primary business entity for the purpose of applying for and receiving a grant award under the Recycled Fiber, Plastic, and Glass Grant Program. A business is considered an “affiliated business” if it has at least one owner with a 40 percent or greater interest in another applicant business.
  • State agencies (including offices, departments, bureaus, and boards).
  • The University of California, the California State University, or California Community Colleges.
  • Nonprofit organizations (except private schools) registered with the federal government under 501(c)3, (c)4, (c)6 or (c)10 of the Internal Revenue Code.
  • Qualifying Indian Tribes. A “Qualifying Indian Tribe” is defined as an Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community, residing within the borders of California, which:
    1. Is recognized for special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of the status of its members as Indians; or
    2. Can establish that it is a government entity and which meets the criteria of the grant program.

Only two applications per qualifying entity will be accepted. Eligible applicants may submit an individual, cooperative, or regional application. For a cooperative or regional application, one entity must be identified as the Lead Participant to act on behalf of the participating jurisdictions. Lead Participants and participating jurisdictions are subject to the two-application rule. If more than two applications are submitted by an applicant, it will be the applicant’s responsibility to decide which applications should go forward. If the additional application(s) are not withdrawn, the first two applications, as determined by timestamp, will move forward and all other applications will be disqualified.


  • Construction, renovation or expansion of facilities to increase in-state infrastructure to manufacture a finished product using California derived fiber, plastic, or glass.
    • A manufacturing facility may partner with another facility, including a supplier of recycled-content feedstock
    • Applicant/Grantee must provide an agreement/contract with a California entity (e.g. Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)) that will supply the feedstock.
  • Construction, renovation, or expansion of facilities to increase in-state infrastructure for production of a fiber, plastic or glass intermediate commodity that will be supplied to a domestic manufacturing facility for the production of a finished product.
    1. The project must result in an increase in tons of material diverted from landfills.
    2. Applicant/Grantee must provide an agreement/contract with a California entity (e.g. MRF) that will supply the feedstock.
    3. If the manufacturing facility that will receive the intermediate commodity from the grant applicant also submits an application, applicants must demonstrate how each project will result in discrete increases in tons of material diverted from landfills and reductions in GHG emissions.
  • Expansion of projects that have previously received GHG reduction funds are eligible provided the project meets the grant criteria and the previously funded project is progressing in a manner satisfactory to CalRecycle.
  • A textile reuse component may be coupled with a recycled fiber, plastic, or glass project, and must be submitted as a cooperative application. The textile reuse operation may be located anywhere in California, not necessarily adjacent to the larger project, though a portion of the grant funds awarded must be spent on the textile reuse component. The textile reuse component of the project must result in measurable reductions in landfill disposal of textiles. Textiles include, but are not limited to, clothing, linens, and towels. The textile reuse component of a project is one that measurably prevents textiles from becoming waste normally destined for landfill disposal and results in rescued textiles being distributed to people in California. Any textile residuals must be tracked and sent to a recycling facility when one is available within the project service area. Textile reuse partners must be non-profit organizations distributing textiles at little or no cost within California.


  • $9,000,000 total is available for this grant cycle.
    • $2,250,000 of the remaining monies from FY 2017–18.
    • $6,750,000 from FY 2018–19.
  • $3,000,000 is the maximum available for individual grant awards.

Timeline and Cycle Details

Grant Administration Documents

Terms and Conditions
Notice: Submission of an application constitutes an acknowledgment that you have read these Terms and Conditions and understood and agreed that they will be part of the Grant Agreement upon an award of any grant funds.

The text of these Terms and Conditions may not be altered, changed or revised in any way, except in writing by mutual agreement of the parties pursuant to the Amendment provision herein.  In the event of any dispute regarding the content of these Terms and Conditions, the original document contained in the grant cycle file located at the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 will control. These Terms and Conditions are applicable only to the specified cycle and/or Fiscal Year of the particular grant program specified.

Procedures and Requirements
Notice: These Procedures and Requirements are in draft form. Upon issuance of Grant Agreement, these Procedures and Requirements shall become final.

The Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the Procedures and Requirements prior to issuance of the Grant Agreement.  Any such changes will be non-negotiable.  In the event that any changes are made to the Procedures and Requirements, all Grantees will be notified as to what specific changes have been made.

Once the Grant Agreement has been issued and the Procedures and Requirements have become final, the text of the incorporated Procedures and Requirements may not be altered, changed or revised in any way, except in writing by mutual agreement of the parties pursuant to the Amendment provision contained in the Terms and Conditions. In the event of any dispute regarding the content of the incorporated Procedures and Requirements, the original document contained in the grant cycle file located at the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 will control.  These Procedures and Requirements are applicable only to the specific cycle and/or Fiscal Year of the particular grant program specified.

If you require assistance in obtaining access to these documents, please contact:

Recycled Fiber, Plastic, and Glass Grant Program Homepage

For more information, contact