Newsprint Suppliers

Suppliers of newsprint used in California must comply with the Recycled Content Newsprint Law.

For additional information regarding the requirements of the law, refer to the Newsprint program’s regulations. The regulations provide definition of terms including “Supplier” and the program requirements.

To comply with the Law, newsprint Suppliers must certify the total metric tons of RCN and non-RCN in every shipment of newsprint to a Consumer or Supplier. The following information must be included in the certification:

  • Your name, mailing address, and telephone number.
  • Name and physical address of the Consumer or Supplier receiving the newsprint.
  • The name of the newsprint grade (class or level of quality of paper or pulp) and the date(s) of shipment.
  • Total metric tons, by grade, of RCN shipped.
  • Total metric tons, by grade, of newsprint containing less than forty (40) percent postconsumer wastepaper shipped.
  • Total metric tons, by grade, of newsprint containing no RCN.

Suppliers List

CalRecycle maintains a list of Newsprint Suppliers to support Consumers of newsprint in obtaining RCN. If you are a Supplier of RCN and would like to be added to this list, send an email with your request to

The request must include the following:

  • Company name
  • Mailing address
  • Phone number
  • Contact person (CalRecycle will verify company information with this contact)
recycling plant

Mail: CalRecycle, Attn: Recycled Content Newsprint Program, P.O. Box 4025, MS 10A-17, Sacramento, CA  95812-4025

Phone: (916) 341-6200  |   Email:  |  Fax: (916) 319-7777