Statewide Average Monthly Scrap Value Notice


To: All Certified Processors and Other Interested Parties

SUBJECT: Statewide Average Monthly Scrap Value Notice Through November 2024

Posted: (February 10, 2025)

California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 14, Section 2985 (b), requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (Department) to provide written notification of the monthly statewide weighted average scrap values per beverage container material types reported to the Department by certified processors. The November 2024 Monthly Scrap Value notification is available on the Department’s website:

The statewide weighted average scrap values for each beverage container material type (Bimetal, Glass, and #1 through 7 Plastics, and Wine and Distilled Spirits in Boxes, Bladders, or Pouches [WDS-BBP]) are based on the monthly scrap value purchases reported by certified processors. These data are initial estimates and are subject to future adjustments that will be reflected in subsequent notices.

Please contact Brenda Meden, at (916) 341-6091 or, for additional information or questions.

Scrap Value per Ton*

AluminumGlassBimetal#1 PET Plastic#2 HDPE Plastic#3 PVC Plastic#4 LDPE Plastic#5 PP Plastic#6 PS Plastic#7 Other PlasticWDS-BBP
November 2023$1,231.33$3.91$6.39$175.58$192.95$0.00$4.21$0.93$4.91$3.36n/a
December 2023$1,230.00$1.83$18.57$151.54$179.94$0.00$3.11$5.40$2.70($7.01)n/a
January 2024$1,230.00$0.79$21.48$153.95$179.75$0.00$0.24$9.05$2.82$4.46$0.00
February 2024$1,230.00$2.45$20.18$168.19$198.79$0.00$1.28$50.62$0.81$3.98$0.00
March 2024$1,245.48$3.86$28.68$211.62$189.39$0.00$89.23($4.75)$2.35($3.16)$0.00
April 2024$1,253.44$3.37$2.73$243.70$176.52$0.00$0.03$2.69$0.96$4.15$0.26
May 2024$1,350.00$3.69$22.85$243.97$199.55$0.00$5.62$2.13$2.15$8.26$0.00
June 2024$1,550.00$4.41$8.26$255.59$178.71$0.00$4.97$5.68$3.04($4.84)$0.04
July 2024$1,550.00$2.53$11.15$196.04$197.01$0.00$4.26$1.39$2.54($1.11)$0.00
August 2024$1,550.00$5.25$18.44$235.08$211.45$0.00$7.10$2.72$1.81$4.71$0.27
September 2024$1,550.00$2.33$19.73$175.57$194.11$0.00$10.61$4.70$2.41$2.57$0.00
October 2024$1,550.00$3.92$12.27$257.38$282.34$0.00$24.12$2.63$0.71$4.36$3.74
November 2024$1,603.33$4.60$15.12$281.36$240.45$0.00$2.39$2.01$2.12$7.31$0.18

* Amounts in bold indicate revised data or new data for the latest month.

For more information, visit Beverage Container Recycling Home