Beverage Container Redemption Innovation Grant Program

The Beverage Container Redemption Innovation Grant Program (Program) helps pay start-up costs for recycling programs. 

This grant program allows different types of redemption to encourage recycling center innovation that can increase places to redeem California Refund Value (CRV) around the state.

Small child using a reverse vending machine model tomra t90
Innovation Grant Recipients listed by county with icons indicating whether they use mobile, bag drop, and/or reverse vending machine recycling.

2024 Innovation Grant Recipient List

  1. Alameda
 – Mobile, Bag Drop, Reverse Vending Machine (RVM)
  2. Butte 
  3. Contra Costa
 – RVM
  4. Fresno
 – RVM, Bag Drop
  5. Imperial
 – Bag Drop, RVM
  6. Lassen – 
Bag Drop
  7. Los Angeles
 – Mobile, Bag Drop, RVM
  8. Marin – 
  9. Mendocino 
- Mobile
  10. Merced – 
  11. Monterey
 – RVM
  12. Nevada
 – RVM
  13. Orange County 
  14. Placer
 – Bag Drop, RVM
  15. Riverside
 – Bag Drop, RVM
  16. San Bernardino
 – RVM, Mobile
  17. San Diego – 
RVM, Mobile
  18. San Joaquin
 – RVM
  19. San Mateo – Mobile, Bag Drop, RVM
  20. Santa Clara
 – RVM
  21. Santa Cruz – 
  22. Sacramento
 – Mobile, Bag Drop, RVM
  23. Santa Barbara
 – Mobile, RVM, Bag Drop
  24. San Francisco
 – RVM
  25. San Luis Obispo
 – Mobile, RVM, Bag Drop
  26. Solano
 – RVM
  27. Sonoma
 – RVM, Bag Drop
  28. Stanislaus
 – RVM
  29. Ventura
 – RVM, Mobile, Bag Drop
  30. Yolo
 – RVM, Mobile


To be determined in the state budget.

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Beverage Containers Redemption Innovation Grant Program


Eligible applicants include:

  • Dealers
  • ​Existing Certified Recycling Centers
  • ​New Recycling Center Businesses
  • ​Community Service Program (SP)

​Organizational types within the eligible applicant pools: 

  • ​Non-Profit Organizations – Non-profit organizations (except private K-12 schools) registered with the federal government under 501(c)3, (c)6, or (c)10 of the Internal Revenue Code
  • ​Local Governments – California cities, counties, and other local government entities
  • ​Private entities and for-profit businesses
  • ​Public colleges and universities
  • ​Qualifying Tribal Entities


  • ​​Mobile Recycling
  • ​Reverse Vending Machines (RVM)
  • ​Bag Drop Programs

Eligible Costs:

  • Equipment
  • Transportation and Travel Costs/Fees
  • Education/Outreach/Advertising
  • Vehicles/Trucks
  • Lease of Office Space, Land, Recycling Facilities, etc.
  • Licensing and Permits
  • Personnel

Non-infrastructure costs are limited to 20% of the total award amount.

Combined costs include:

  • Permitting
  • Personnel
  • Public education/outreach
  • Indirect costs
  • Office space
  • Property lease and
  • General administrative costs not related to construction or installation

Contact Information

For more information, contact

Current Grant Cycle

No open applications at this time.

Upcoming Grant Cycles

Tentatively scheduled to open Winter 2024.

Awarded Grant Cycles

How to Apply

Watch for the Notice of Funds Available (NOFA) on either of these two web pages:

Online Applications

CalRecycle grant applications are submitted online through the CalRecycle Grants Management System (GMS).