DORIIS for Beverage Manufacturers and Distributors
The Division of Recycling Integrated Information System (DORIIS) is a free, Internet-based tool that provides beverage manufacturers and distributors the ability to report Processing Fees and California Redemption Value (CRV) electronically through an online portal.
It also provides up-to-date information on reporting and payment history.
Accessing DORIIS
- Portal Access Request (PAR) Form, CalRecycle 752. The PAR form is used to gain access to DORIIS. Every beverage manufacturer and distributor that will be utilizing DORIIS is required to complete this form, print, and mail the original to the address listed on the form.
DORIIS Training
- Using the DORIIS Portal: Beverage Manufacturer and Distributor Reporting and Payment Manual. This manual gives step-by-step instruction on how to submit reports through DORIIS and provides information on program requirements for Beverage Manufacturers and Distributors.
- , 36:57. The video will walk you through how to use the DORIIS portal.
Related Links
For more information, visit Beverage Container Recycling Home