Recycling and Disposal Reporting System (RDRS)
Access and Training and Reference MaterialRDRS is CalRecycle’s electronic online data system in which businesses, facilities, and operations with a reporting obligation submit required information. Reporting entities submit information to CalRecycle on a quarterly basis on the types and quantities of material that they sell, transfer, or dispose.
News and Recent Events
- Q4 2024 RDRS reporting for transfer/processors, recycler/composters, and broker/transporters is now open, and is due to CalRecycle February 28, 2025.
- Q4 2024 RDRS reporting for disposal facilities opens on March 1, 2025, and is due to CalRecycle April 1, 2025.
- RY 2023 disposal and beneficial reuse data are available for jurisdictions to review. Jurisdictions can view their disposal data using Public Report #1.
- Reporting tutorials are available on the Training page. For a list of all due dates, review the RDRS Reporting Schedule.
- CalRecycle has published collection method options for future RDRS reporting.
RDRS initial registration began on April 1, 2019 for existing businesses that are required to report and are operating on April 1, 2019. The registration deadline for initial registration was April 30, 2019. After April 30, newly established businesses must register within 30 days of being subject to these reporting requirements.
Registering a reporting entity in RDRS does not cause that entity to be reclassified as a solid waste handler.
Reporting material flows to the Department does not cause that material to be reclassified as solid waste.
Reporting References
- RDRS Reporting Deadlines (PDF)
- RDRS Reporting Module Sneak Peek YouTube (20:34) | Transcript
- Reporting entity tutorials for all reporting entity types
References, Documentation & Tools
AB 901 Regulations and Development
Governor Brown signed AB 901 (Gordon, Chapter 746, Statutes of 2015) into law to change how organics, recyclable material, and solid waste are reported to CalRecycle. In the third quarter of 2019, CalRecycle transitioned away from the Disposal Reporting System (DRS) to the Recycling and Disposal Reporting System (RDRS). The law requires the following businesses to report directly to CalRecycle on a quarterly basis on materials sold and transferred by a reporting entity:
- Recycling facilities
- Composting facilities
- Disposal facilities including landfills
- Transformation facilities
- Engineered municipal solid waste conversion facilities
- Transfer/processor facilities
- Contract haulers
- Food waste self-haulers
- Brokers
- Transporters
Regulations Development
- Full text of Title 14, CCR, Division 7, Chapter 9, Article 9.25 (Westlaw)
- AB 901 Rulemaking Archive
- SB 343 and AB 881 Rulemaking Archive
- Link to statute
Contact Us
RDRS Coordinator Voicemail: (916) 341-6777
Email (preferred):
When emailing, please include all relevant information below to expedite a response:
- Name
- WebPass email
- Phone
- Name of Organization/Site (if already registered)
- Name of reporting entity activity(ies) and RDRS number(s)
- Category of question/comment (Please use one of these categories in your email subject line):
Do I need to Register/How to Register/How to Report/Other - References/documentation consulted prior to emailing
- Regulatory subsection pertaining to your question (14 CCR 18815.1-18815.13):
- Question or issue