LEA Full Permit Process and Timelines

This table illustrates the general tasks and timelines for LEA processing of a full permit. Each task is linked to more detailed instructions, resources, and tools.

Please refer to the entire text of Title 27, Chapter 4, Subchapter 3, Article 3 when using this table.

(NEW!) Note: This page has been updated to reflect SB 1383 regulations effective January 1, 2022. Newly inserted text is shown with a double underlined format.

LEA Full Permit Process TasksTime Lines (Calendar Days)
  • Provide guidance to applicant and local planning agencies on permit process, local land use permits, and CEQA.
Prior to submittal of application
  • Receive permit application package from operator at least 180 days prior to implementing proposed changes per

    PRC Section 44004(b)
30 Days to accept or reject application package.
Title 27 Section 21650(b)
60 Days to hold informational meeting for revised and new permits.

Title 27 Section 21660.2
  • Notice and conduct informational meeting for new and revised permits only.
  • Notify CalRecycle of proposed determination and submit to CalRecycle for comment.

Note 1: For new and revised full permits, the LEA must hold a informational meeting within 60 days of receiving an application, in addition to making a completeness determination within 30 days.

Note 2: The informational meeting must be held after the LEA has made its' completeness determination.

Note 3: Modified permits require the LEA to notice the LEA's
preliminary determination to modify the permit.

Note 4: For new and revised full permit applications, the EA is
required to notice the governing body of the local jurisdiction where
the facility is located and the appropriate State Assembly Member and
State Senator of an upcoming informational meeting.

Note 5: Effective January 1, 2022:

  • The informational meeting criteria [27 CCR, Section 21660.2(c)] has been amended to consider affected disadvantaged communities when determining a suitable location, date and time for the informational meeting.
  1. Allow the change without a revision to the permit.
  2. Disallow the change because it does not conform with the requirements of this division or the regulations adopted pursuant to this division.
  3. Require a revision of the solid waste facilities permit to allow the change.
  4. Require a modification of the permit to allow the change.
  5. Require review under Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) before a decision is made (CEQA).
  • Forward final determination to CalRecycle.
  • Write proposed permit (may also submit draft permit for CalRecycle review).
  • Submit proposed (unsigned) permit package and accepted application package to CalRecycle.
55 60 days
120 days
Section 44008
CalRecycle has 60 days to concur or object
PRC Section 44009.
  • Submit copy of signed issued permit to CalRecycle.
Until permit is revoked or site is closed.
At least once every 5 years after issuance until closure.
  • Review amendments to RFI.
As changes occur or are proposed at the facility.

Full Permit Laundry List | Full Permit Flowchart | Permit Toolbox