Public Notice

Informational Meetings Conducted by Enforcement Agencies

Enforcement agencies (EA) are required to notice and conduct informational meetings for all new and revised full solid waste facility permit applications. The purpose of these meetings is to provide the public an opportunity to hear about proposed solid waste activities to be permitted by the EA and to comment on the preliminary determination being espoused by the EA. These meetings are strictly informational and no official decision is made at these meetings. At the time the EAs issue notice of the meetings, they are required to submit a copy of the informational meeting notice to CalRecycle. CalRecycle is required to post these notices on its website as a way to further inform the public of proposed changes to solid waste activities.

CalRecycle posts these notices on the CalRecycle Public Notices page to meet the informational meeting requirements of the California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 27, Section 21660.2(b). Such information is provided by the EAs, and any questions regarding such notices should be directed the appropriate enforcement agency. Public notices will be posted for at least 10 days.

New Regulations Effective January 1, 2022:

The passage of SB 1383 resulted in changes to Title 27 CCR, Division 2, Chapter 4. The following is a brief summary of those changes:

  • Adds requirements to consider affected disadvantaged communities when determining a suitable location, date and time for public informational meetings
  • Affected disadvantaged communities means communities identified by the California Environmental Protection Agency pursuant to Section 39711 of the Health and Safety Code as disadvantaged that are located within one mile of the facility
Amended CalRecycle Standards Pertaining to Solid Waste Facility Permits
Informational Meeting for New and Revised Full Solid Waste Facilities Permit Application
27 CCR § 21660.2