The Closed, Illegal, and Abandoned (CIA) Sites Program helps Local Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) inspect, investigate, remediate, and enforce state minimum standards on the following types of disposal sites:
- Legacy – Disposal sites that stopped accepting waste prior to January 1, 1988.
- Illegal – Disposal sites that are currently conducting disposal activities illegally without a solid waste facility permit.
- Abandoned – Disposal sites that conducted historical disposal activities but were abandoned with no responsible party identified.
There are about 1,500 CIA sites identified in CalRecycle’s Solid Waste Information System (SWIS) database.
For information and assistance with CIA sites...
Local Enforcement Agencies are the first point of contact if you are:
- A parcel owner looking for information on your land
- A consultant hired by a parcel owner
- Not the landowner, but have a concern or complaint
- Looking for information on previous land use and remediation assessment
The CIA Disposal Site Program provides the following assistance to LEAs:
- Technical review of work plans for:
- Site investigations of lateral and vertical extent of waste and waste characterization
- Landfill gas monitoring or remediation
- Changes to post-closure land use and
- Correcting violations of state minimum standards.
- Technical training for:
- Inspecting
- Investigating
- Remedial work scoping
- Landfill gas monitoring and
- Enforcement of CIA sites.
- If approved, use contract resources to research past disposal practices and conduct field investigations such as:
- Geophysical surveys
- Trenching
- Potholing
- Installing landfill gas monitoring wells and
- Environmental sampling and analysis.
- Quality control of inputs and technical training for site information in the SWIS database.
Technical Resources
Authority for the CIA Sites Program can be found in Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 45013.
For more information, contact the local CIA sites’ program staff by jurisdiction.