Standardized Nonhazardous Ash Solid Waste Facility Permit
- Facility/Permit Number (SWIS):
- Facility Name and Address/Location:
- Operator Name and Mailing Address:
- Owner Name and Mailing Address:
- Enforcement Agency and Address:
- Signature of Enforcement Agency Approving Officer:
- Please Print or Type Name and Title of Approving Officer:
- Date Signed:
- Date Received by CIWMB:
- CIWMB Concurrence Date:
- Signature of CIWMB Approving Officer:
- Please Print or Type Name and Title of Approving Officer:
- Date Signed:
- Date of Permit Issuance:
- Permit Review Due Date: The facility for which this permit has been issued shall only be operated in accordance with the description provided in the application pursuant to Section 18105.1 and Report of Nonhazardous Ash Disposal Site Information pursuant to Section 18226. (Applicants may use the Standardized Permit Application CIWMB 92).
- Legal Description of Facility: (description may be attached)
- Findings:
- This permit is consistent with standards adopted by the California Integrated Waste Management Board, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 44010.
- [ ] A CEQA exemption (state the type, and identify section of exemption, or N/A), , or [ ] a (state type of environmental document, date, and SCH#) has been filed with the State Clearinghouse and adopted or certified. Where mitigation measures have been identified, a Mitigation Reporting or Monitoring Program has been adopted as part of the project pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081.6.
- The following authorized agent has made the determination that the facility is consistent with the applicable general plan, as required by Public Resources Code, Section 50000.5(a).
- The operation of this facility is consistent with the [ ] County Solid Waste Management Plan (50000), or the [ ] County Integrated Waste Management Plan (50001).
- The design of the proposed facility or the design and operation of an existing facility, as appropriate, is in compliance with State Minimum Standards for Nonhazardous Ash Operations and Facility Regulatory Requirements, Title 14, Division 7, Chapter 3, Article 5.8 of the California Code of Regulations.
- Public Resources Code Section 44009 has been complied with.
- In addition to this permit, the facility may have one or more of the following permits or restrictions on its operations. Persons seeking information regarding these items should contact the appropriate regulatory agency.
- Report of Nonhazardous Ash Disposal Site Information
- State Water Resources Control Board/Regional Water Quality Control Board Waste Discharge Requirements or Waiver
- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (Stormwater) Permit
- Fire Protection District Findings
- Mitigation and Monitoring Measures (pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act )
- Conditional Use Permit/Land Use Permit
- California Environmental Quality Act Environmental Impact Report or Negative Declaration
- Air Pollution Permits and Variances
- Coastal Commission Restrictions
- Other Permits may also apply
- Terms and Conditions:
- The operator shall comply with applicable state minimum standards set forth in Title 14, Division 7, Chapter 3, Article 5.8 of the California Code of Regulations.
- The operator shall comply with all applicable mitigation and monitoring measures that are to be implemented with the enforcement agency.
- The operator shall maintain a copy of this standardized permit at the facility or at a location agreed upon by enforcement agency, to be available at all times to facility, enforcement agency, and CIWMB personnel.
- The operator shall maintain and make available for inspection by the enforcement agency and CIWMB all correspondence and reports provided to other regulatory agencies that have jurisdiction over the facility.
- The design capacity of tons or cubic-yards (circle one) per day of nonhazardous ash being disposed of shall not be exceeded.
- The facility has a total operating area of acres.
- The maximum quantity of nonhazardous ash that can be received per any operating day is tons or cubic yards (circle one).
- The days and hours of operation shall be . For facilities with continuous operations, indicate the start of the operating day for purpose of calculating amount of nonhazardous ash received per day.
- Additional clarifying information concerning the design and operation of the nonhazardous ash facility shall be furnished upon written request of the enforcement agency or the CIWMB.
- Unless specifically permitted or allowed under Title 14, Division 7, Chapter 3, Article 5.8 of the California Code of Regulations, the facility shall only accept nonhazardous ash.
- Migration of wastes, leachate, or dust off-site are prohibited.
- The facility, if located outside of a city, shall be maintained in compliance with the flammable clearance provisions, pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 44151.
For more information contact: Legislative and External Affairs Office,