Enforcement Advisory Council

The Enforcement Advisory Council (EAC) consists of 10 members and serves the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) as an advisory committee representing the various regions of the state and the disciplines engaged in solid waste enforcement. It was established in 1983 to achieve a coordinated, consistent statewide enforcement program by ongoing communication among all LEAs and CalRecycle, and to assure that regional LEA interests and viewpoints regarding programs and training needs are considered at the state level (CIWMB Resolution 83-1). The value of EAC was reaffirmed in 2000 by resolution 2000-489 and its structure was modified by EAC Resolution 2013-01 The EAC meets six times each year–before and after each LEA Roundtable.

While the goal of the EAC is to provide advice on technical issues, policy issues are addressed through the California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health (CCDEH) which also has a representative on the EAC. In April 1996, the CIWMB (now CalRecycle) and CCDEH, representing the majority of LEAs, agreed to work in partnership to identify and resolve issues to better promote mutual interests for meeting solid waste management legislative mandates. This joint effort was called “Partnership 2000,” a name which has carried forward to the present. The CCDEH Solid Waste and Resource Recovery Policy Committee provides advice to CalRecycle on solid waste policy issues.

Upcoming EAC Meeting

  • March 19, 2025

Past Meetings

November 13, 2024

July 10, 2024

April 16, 2024

February 21, 2024

November 8, 2023

August 23, 2023

May 3, 2023

March 15, 2023

November 16, 2022

July 28, 2022

April 20, 2022

February 9, 2022

November 10, 2021

August 25, 2021

May 6, 2021

March 10, 2021

January 27, 2021

December 9, 2020

August 26, 2020

July 8, 2020

April 2, 2020

Structures and Procedures

Mission Statement

It is the purpose of the Enforcement Advisory Council (EAC) to advise and assist the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle), California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health-Solid Waste & Resource Recovery Committee (CCDEH-SWRRC), and/or Local Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) on matters relating to all aspects of the Local Enforcement Agency program when:

  1. Requested by CalRecycle, CCDEH-SWRRC, or the LEA Roundtables
  2. In the opinion of the EAC, advice to CalRecycle, CCDEH, and/or the LEAs is warranted and appropriate.

The LEA roundtables are closely associated with the EAC and their mission statement is therefore described here. It is the purpose of the roundtables to be a place for information sharing and discussion of concerns, and a forum for two-way communication between CalRecycle staff and LEA staff. LEA roundtables will determine which issues they want to forward to the EAC for discussion/resolution. Issues and ideas from the roundtables will be prioritized and sent to the EAC Chair for placement on the EAC general agenda. The top one or two items from each roundtable region, if not on the general agenda, may be raised during the specific EAC agenda item for roundtable reports. Each LEA roundtable representative to the EAC will be responsible to assure the flow of information between their roundtable and the EAC.


The EAC Structure and Procedures shall be amended as follows:

There are 6 members who represent the 6 CalRecycle/LEA regional Roundtables and 4 members that represent the following organizations:

  1. California Conference of Local Health Officers,
  2. California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health,
  3. Northern City LEAs,
  4. Southern City LEAs.

Each of these organizations will utilize their own procedures to select their representatives. Selected representatives may be replaced at any time by their respective groups. The selected representative may send an alternate to attend the meetings at any time. The alternate will retain the same meeting privileges as the permanent member. These same procedures apply to the six regional representatives.



  1. Chair
  2. Two Vice-Chairs

Terms of Office:

  1. Two years for each office.
  2. An officer may return to a previous office after an interim of two years outside the office.


  1. The chair will conduct the meetings.
  2. The chair will arrange the Agenda in consultation with the other members of the EAC.
  3. The vice-chairs will assist the chair at its behest.
  4. Members may be selected to track issues or represent the EAC at workshops or other venues.

Means of Selection:

  1. The EAC may select a new chair or vice-chair at any time.
  2. The selection will proceed like any other matter put before the Council for a vote.

Any officer may resign at any time. Once this has been made known to the council, the council will select a new officer by the usual means.

Decisions of the Council

Any official decision of the Council will be by resolution, including the selection of officers. An item is considered “resolved” when a resolution has been passed regarding that item.

Resolution can only be made when a quorum of the council is present and with six affirmative votes.

A quorum consists of the presence of at least six council members of which at least four must be regional representatives.

Resolutions can be made at any time on any subject.

Resolutions that require the Council to advise or refer a matter to CalRecycle or CCDEH-SWRRC must originate within the allotted discussion period of an agenda Item.

Resolutions are initiated by a motion of any Council member and seconded. If seconded, the chair will ask for a hand vote.

The resolution will contain all the elements of its execution.

All resolutions that are transmitted to CalRecycle shall be sent directly to the Director of CalRecycle or his/her designee.

At the time each resolution is passed, the EAC shall decide to whom the resolution will be addressed (i.e. CalRecycle and/or the CCDEH-SWRRC).

“Policy” issues shall be forwarded to the CCDEH-SWRRC for consideration.


Meetings may occur approximately six times a year to correspond with the tri-annual roundtables. One meeting will occur some weeks before the roundtable and another after the roundtable.

Meetings can be held in-person or virtually and will start between the hour of 9-10:00 a.m. Specific start time will be at the chairs discretion in consideration of travel required by current members.

One hour break for lunch.

Meetings reconvene at 1:00 p.m. and end at 3:30 p.m.

All agenda Items not resolved by 3:00 will either be resolved during an additional three minutes for each item or be automatically placed on the agenda for the next meeting.

The meeting can end at any time when all the agenda items have been resolved.

Agenda items

Maximum of eight agenda Items:

There are 240 minutes of discussion allotted for all the agenda items. If the maximum number of Items (8) are placed on agenda, then each item will be allotted 30 minutes. The “allotted time” for each item is 240 minutes divided by the number of items.

If an item is not resolved within the allotted time, the item will be tabled to later in the meeting.

If discussion concerning any item terminates before the allotted time has been “spent” then time left over will be put in a bank. When all agenda items have been initially discussed, the number of unresolved items will be divided into the number of minutes in the bank and this time will be the new allotted time. If an item is still not resolved by the end of the second allotted time for an item, that item will automatically be placed on the next meeting agenda.

All discussion ends at 3:00 p.m. All unresolved items will either be resolved or placed on the next meeting agenda. Discussion for each item will be limited to three minutes.

Each item could be resolved by one of the following methods:

  1. Placed on the next meeting agenda.
  2. Referred back to the Roundtables.
  3. Referred to CCDEH-SWRRC.
  4. EAC decides to terminate discussion and further action. The item could be put on the agenda at a later date like any other item.
  5. Formal advice to CalRecycle and/or CCDEH-SWRRC by means of a written resolution addressed to the Director of CalRecycle or his/her designee and/or the Chair of CCDEH-SWRRC.
  6. Execution of any other resolution by the EAC.

Constituency Communication

EAC members may communicate their activities or the activities of the EAC in any manner they choose.

Meeting Privacy

All meetings are public and generally governed by the provisions of the Bagley-Keene Act.


Activities of the meetings may be audio recorded or handwritten by EAC and/or CalRecycle personnel. The EAC Chair is responsible to designate an assigned minute taker.

General Comments

The chair will expedite discussion of each item:

  1. Discussion limited to pertinent facts of the item.
  2. Discussion by any individual may be limited by the chair in order to let all participate.
  3. Each representative may address the Council at any time there is a lull in the discussion. The Chair will determine speaker preference when a conflict occurs.
  4. Non-committee members may not address the Council unless recognized by the chair.
  5. One of the co-vice chairs will be the timekeeper.

Member List

Region/Organization RepresentedRepresentativeAddressContact Information
Northern RoundtableVacant
North Central RoundtableSuzie Dawley
Registered Environmental
Health Specialist
Yolo County
Department of Community Services, Environmental Health Division
292 West Beamer Street Woodland, CA 95695Phone: (530) 666-8591
Fax: (530) 669-1448
Email: Suzie.dawley@yolocounty.org
South Central RoundtableChad San Juan
LEA Program Supervisor
Kern County Environmental Health Division

Lindsay Hullinger
Environmental Health Specialist
Kings County Department of Public Health
Environmental Health Services
2700 M Street, Suite 300
Bakersfield, CA 93301

460 Kings County Drive, Suite 102
Hanford, CA 93230
Phone: (661) 862-8708
Email: SanJuanC@kerncounty.com

Phone: (559) 584-1411
Email: Lindsay.Hullinger@co.kings.ca.us
Bay Area RoundtableArthur Surdilla, Co-Vice Chair
Acting Supervising Hazardous Materials Specialist/REHS
Alameda County Department of Environmental Health
Solid/Medical Waste Management and Body Art Programs
1131 Harbor Bay Parkway,
Alameda CA, 94502
Phone: (510) 567-6868
Email: arthur.surdilla@acgov.org
Southwestern RoundtableNorma Campos Bernal, Chair
Senior Environmental Health Specialist
Santa Barbara County
Public Health Department
Environmental Health Services Division
225 Camino del Remedio
Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Phone: (805) 681-4942
Fax (805) 681-4901
Email: ncamposbernal@sbcphd.org
Southern Roundtable

Alphonso Andrade
Registered Environmental
Health Specialist
Imperial County
Public Health Department
Environmental Health Division

797 W. Main Street, Ste. B
El Centro, CA 92243
Phone: (442)265-1888
Email: AlphonsoAndrade@co.imperial.ca.us
Northern City LEAs

Paul Harden
Acting Supervising REHS
Department of Planning, Building, and Code Enforcement 

200 E Santa Clara St # T-4
San Jose, CA 95113
Phone: (408) 535-7640
Email: paul.harden@sanjoseca.gov
Southern City LEAs George Kasikarin, Co-Vice Chair
Environmental Specialist
Los Angeles
Department of Building and Safety
221 North Fiqueroa St., 12th floor, Ste. 1250, Mail stop: 115
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: (213)252-3993
Email: george.kasikarin@lacity.org
California Conference of Local Health Officers

Dr. Sara Levin
Deputy Health Officer
Contra Costa County

2500 Bates Ave Ste B, Office 160
Concord, CA 84520

Phone: (925) 608-5102
Email: slevin@cchealth.org
California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health

Jeffrey Marshall
Kern County 
Environmental Health Division

2700 M Street, Ste. 300
Bakersfield, CA 93301
Phone: (661) 862-8700
Fax: (661) 862-8701
Email: marshallj@kerncounty.com

Please note: Past meeting agendas and notes are retained for historical purposes. Over time, some information and links on these pages may become dated and/or inaccurate.