Questions and Answers: Household Hazardous Waste Grant Program, Cycle 33 (FY 2019–20)

Questions about the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Grant Program Cycle 33 (small projects) grant application are accepted in writing only, no later than March 20, 2019. Similar or related questions may be grouped together or reworded for clarity and responded to as one question.

All questions and answers will be posted during the application period and are subject to updates. It is the applicant’s responsibility to check this website for the latest information regarding this grant cycle.


1. Can you clarify the difference between an individual applicant and a regional applicant?

An individual applicant is a single public entity (city, county, or city and county), applying on its own behalf. The jurisdiction may have partners or subcontractors, but it is the only applicant and is individually responsible for the grant.

A regional applicant is comprised of two or more public entities, with a lead jurisdiction designated to act on behalf of all participating jurisdictions. The lead jurisdiction will be the Grantee and will be responsible for the performance of the grant, recordkeeping and submitting all required documentation.  

Joint Powers Authorities (JPAs) may submit a grant application as an individual applicant by submitting a copy of its joint powers agreement.  However, because they represent multiple public entities, JPAs are afforded the same maximum grant award as a regional applicant.

If a jurisdiction is a participant in a regional/JPAs application, it cannot also submit an individual jurisdiction application.

2. What date should applicants anticipate receiving a Notice to Proceed letter upon award of a Cycle 33 grant?

CalRecycle staff anticipates awarding grants in July 2019.  Notice to Proceed letters will be sent in August/September 2019, after the Grant Agreement is executed.

3. What are the rules and requirements to collect and dispose of HHW?

Comply with Federal and State rules on Hazardous Waste Management. Federal regulations governing hazardous waste identification, classification, generation, management and disposal are found in title 40 CFR parts 260 through 273. State regulations regarding hazardous waste can be found in Health and Safety Code (HSC) Division 20 Chapter 6.5 Hazardous Waste, with sections specific to household hazardous waste starting in HSC Section 25218.

4. Are security improvements to an existing HHW facility, including replacement and upgrading of security fencing and gate; installation of a perimeter alarm system; and installation of a video security surveillance system, considered eligible minor improvements?

Yes, but not the monthly service fees.

5. What is the scoring criteria?

There is no scoring criteria for HD33. Applications, if they qualify, will be funded if there are enough funds. If the grant is oversubscribed then applications will go through the random selection process.

6. Is a one-day Trash and E-waste collection event eligible?


7. Are jurisdictions able to apply and receive funding for both HD32 and HD33?


8. Does a one-day HHW collection event need to be broken down in the budget?

No, if you are only doing collection then put the funds in the Collection category in the Budget tab.

9. Does a one-day HHW collection and education event need to be broken down in the budget category?

Yes, the funds will need to be split between Collection and Education category in the Budget tab.

10. If a jurisdiction does not have an HHW facility, then what location do they put on the application for their mobile collection events?

List the anticipated site(s) where the HHW events will be held.


1. Are there limitations on what type of solar panels are eligible?

Solar panels collected from households (not contractors) at the one-day or multi-day collection events are eligible; however, applicants should be aware of the Department of Transportation rules (e.g. quantity, transportation limit/issues, etc.) and costs. Grantees are required to collect and report data on type/style of panels, manufacturer, volume, and the method of disposal for this pilot project.

2. Is a Fire Protection District eligible?


3. Is a program to recycle batteries and electronics eligible?

Yes, the promotion of an ongoing retail take-back program for batteries is eligible but not electronics. For more information regarding recycling electronics go to

4. Does the EPPP need to be adopted by the City Council?

An EPPP Policy must be adopted by the applicant’s governing board. If a policy is in place, the applicant will certify to that in the Detail tab of the application. If not, the applicant must create, adopt, and certify that an EPPP Policy was adopted by their governing body. The EPPP Policy Notification document, available on the Summary tab of the application, must be signed by the Signature Authority and upload to the Documents tab.

Please note that CalRecycle will not pre-approve or review your EPPP Policy documents.

For more information, please refer to Application Guidelines and Instructions and our Environmentally Preferable Purchasing and Practices (EPPP) Policy FAQ.

5. Does an EPPP policy adopted by staff and is included in the Municipal Code satisfy the requirement?


6. For an application by a Joint Powers Authority, should the member jurisdictions be added to the application as Participants?

Yes. Joint Power Authorities must add the name of each eligible participating jurisdiction and choose the Participating Jurisdiction radio button. Please refer to page 11 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.


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No questions at this time.

For more information contact: Used Oil & Household Hazardous Waste,