Questions about the Household Hazardous Waste, HD40 grant application were accepted in writing only, no later than August 1, 2023. Similar or related questions were grouped together or reworded for clarity and responded to as one question.
The question and answer period is now closed. All questions and answers are posted on this site.
General | Eligibility | Funding | Application
No questions at this time.
- What does it mean for an eligible construction project to be “shovel ready” and shown as beyond the planning phase? For our project, the construction company would obtain the permit, not the jurisdiction.
The applicant must show that it has completed, with proof, the proper site analysis, conceptual design, necessary permits, licensing, and siting approvals when submitting the application. In essence, the project must be “shovel ready” and ready to start at any time after grant funds are awarded. Please refer to the “Eligible Projects/Products section of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
- Would paving the street that leads to the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) facility be eligible?
No. This is not an eligible expense for this construction focus cycle. It will be eligible under the grant Cycle 41 (small projects).
- Would building a new HHW facility to replace an existing HHW facility be eligible?
- Would building a new HHW facility that is not owned by the County but is in a long-term contact with the HHW facility non-county owned be eligible?
- Would building a new HHW facility owned by County on private property or non-government owned property be eligible?
Jurisdictions that want to establish permanent facilities or expand existing facilities on private property or non-government owned property must prove a legally binding long-term commitment. This commitment must be throughout the life of the facility and between the company/private landowner and the jurisdiction that will require the facility to be operated with an emphasis on promoting the public interest. The application must clearly state the ownership and/or leasehold interests. A copy of any agreement between the Applicant and private owner must be uploaded and submitted with the application. The following documentation is required if an applicant is planning to purchase or lease buildings for any part of their submitted project:
a) Applicant demonstrates that this is the most cost-effective means of developing an HHW facility.
b) Any lease meets the requirements for developing a permanent facility on privately owned property (e.g., long-term lease evidencing commitment to utilize facility for purpose set forth in grant; commitment to public access; commitment to utilize facility as described in the application for life of facility).
- Would building a new HHW facility co-owned with the County and non-county owner be eligible?
- I had a couple of questions about possible projects under the HD 40. We currently have a curbside HHW program that allows residents to come to our facility, but we are looking into a more mobile service where we create community clean-up events where we can collect certain HHW material. Can a truck be purchased as part of the project?
No. This is not an eligible expense for this construction focus cycle. However, purchasing a truck to pick up HHW materials within your mobile collection program for one-day or multi-day collection events is an eligible expense under the grant Cycle 41 (small projects).
No questions at this time.
- Can you clarify the difference between an individual applicant and a regional applicant?
An Individual Application is one in which a single eligible entity will be responsible for grant implementation. The applicant in an Individual Application will be responsible for the performance of the grant and all related documentation. In addition, the applicant will be the only entity receiving any real or personal property that is purchased with grant funds.
Regional Applicants (Local Governments only) may join together in a Regional Application in which two or more eligible jurisdictions join together for the purpose of grant implementation. A Regional Lead Participant must be designated to act on behalf of all Non-Lead Participants. The Lead Participant is the applicant, and if awarded, will be the grantee responsible for the performance of the grant and all required documentation. CalRecycle will direct all official correspondence and grant payments to the Lead Participant. If a jurisdiction is a Non-Lead Participant in a Regional Application, it may not apply individually.
Joint Powers Authorities (JPA) may submit a grant application as an individual applicant. An entity may not submit an individual application if that entity is also a member of an applicant JPA.
Refer to the “Eligible Applicants” section of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
For more information contact: Used Oil & Household Hazardous Waste,