Grow Your Business
Financial and Market Development Assistance
CalRecycle staff assists reuse and recycling-based businesses directly.
Contact the CalRecycle staff and local recycling coordinator for your city or county.

General Funding and Assistance

Market Development Assistance

Marketing Environmentally Preferred Products to California State Agencies

California Business Portal
The portal provides access to a variety of incentive programs to encourage business development in California. Other business resources are available in the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development’s (GO-Biz) California Investment Guide.
CA Made
CA Made is a state labeling program designed to encourage consumer product awareness and to promote the purchase of products manufactured in California. Approved products receive a license to use the CA Made label, marketing benefits, and access to services from program partners.
California Manufacturing Technology Consulting (CMTC) provides additional benefits to CA Made manufacturers including access to business-to-business networking opportunities, events, and placement on the Made in CA Featured Manufacturers webpage.