Who Participates?

The waste tire manifest system applies to all persons, businesses, nonprofits, or government agencies that generate, haul (or transport), or receive waste tires.

Identify Your Role

It is very important for you to understand that under the waste tire manifest system, your primary business activity is not the only factor to be considered (for example, being a waste tire generator or hauler), but rather what role(s) you play with respect to each specific movement of waste  and/or used tires. This determines your responsibilities and the forms you are required to complete. Use the following table to assist in determining your role:

If you:Then you are considered a:Required form:
Cause a waste tire hauler to transport waste and/or used tires from your business locationGeneratorComprehensive Trip Log (CalRecycle 203) receipt is required showing the pick up of tires
Haul 10 or more waste and/or used tires on a given loadHaulerComprehensive Trip Log form(s) is required showing all tires on the vehicle.
Receive or accept 10 or more waste and/or used tires at your business locationEnd use facilityComprehensive Trip Log receipt is required showing delivery of the tires; if no receipt is left, then the operator shall
complete an Unregistered Hauler & Comprehensive Trip Log Substitution Form,
CalRecycle 204.

See Sample Business Roles for information on participation and form requirements based on specific scenarios.

Waste Tire Generators

Waste tire generators typically include (but are not limited to) the following types of operations where waste or used tires are submitted for transportation, for offsite handling, altering, storage, disposal, or for any combination thereof:

  • New and used tire dealers.
  • New and used car dealers.
  • Automobile and truck fleet operators
    • rental car companies
    • school districts
    • government motor pools
  • Auto dismantlers.
  • Agricultural users.

Requirements of waste tire generators under the Waste Tire Manifest System.

Waste Tire Haulers

Haulers (including foreign haulers, common carriers, and government agencies) must comply with the waste tire manifesting requirements. Registered waste tire haulers must manifest any amount of waste and/or used tires. All exempt haulers must manifest tires when transporting 10 or more waste and/or used tires on the public road

  • Any person that transports 10 or more waste and/or used tires at any given time on a public road is also required to be registered with CalRecycle under the registered waste tire hauler program (search registered haulers).
  • Foreign haulers are not exempt and must comply with the hauler registration requirements.
  • Common carriers, agricultural haulers, and all government agencies (and other entities exempted by PRC section 42954) are exempt from waste tire hauler registration requirements but, like registered haulers, must comply with the waste tire manifesting requirements as described above. Common carriers and agricultural haulers must have a “Letter of Exemption” from CalRecycle to be considered exempt.
  • For more information on waste tire hauler registration requirements and procedures please see Haulers.

Requirements of waste tire haulers under the Waste Tire Manifest System.

End-Use Facilities

End-use facilities are those locations where waste or used tires are accepted for handling, altering, storage, disposal, or any combination thereof. End-use facilities that accept waste tires must be an authorized or permitted waste tire facility under regulations administered by CalRecycle.

Requirements of end-use facilities under the Waste Tire Manifest System.

For more information contact: Tire Enforcement, WasteTires@calrecycle.ca.gov