Food recovery means collecting edible food that would otherwise go to waste and redistributing it to feed people in need. This is the highest and best use for food that would otherwise go to waste. Feeding hungry people through food recovery is the best use for surplus food and a vital way for California to conserve resources and reduce waste thrown in landfills.

Food Waste in California
Californians send 2.5 billion meals worth of still-fresh, unsold food to landfills each year as 1 in 5 Californians does not have enough to eat.
These households often must choose between eating and basic needs like housing or medical bills.
To reduce food waste and address food insecurity, surplus food that is still safe for people to eat will be donated to food banks, soup kitchens, and other food recovery organizations and services to help feed Californians in need.
This will cut waste sent to landfills and lower methane climate pollution from organic waste rotting in landfills.
Senate Bill 1383 and Food Recovery
To reduce food waste and help address food insecurity, SB 1383 requires that by 2025 California will recover 20 percent of edible food that would otherwise be sent to landfills, to feed people in need. The law directs the following:
- Jurisdictions must establish food recovery programs and strengthen their existing food recovery networks
- Food donors must arrange to recover the maximum amount of their edible food that would otherwise go to landfills
- Food recovery organizations and services that participate in SB 1383 must maintain records
CalRecycle Food Waste Prevention and Rescue Grants

CalRecycle’s grants fund projects that prevent food waste or rescue edible food that would be landfilled to help Californians in need.
Projects awarded since 2018 have resulted in:
- 246 million meals
- 443 local jobs
- 295 million pounds of food kept out of landfills to date
- GHG reductions equal to 54,076 cars off the road (243,005 MTCO2e less to date)
What Is Edible Food?

Edible food means food intended for people to eat, including food not sold because of:
- Appearance
- Age
- Freshness
- Grade
- Size
- Surplus
Edible food includes but is not limited to:
- Prepared foods
- Packaged foods
- Produce
For more information on safe surplus food donation and food safety, visit the California Conference of Directors of Environmental Health website.
California Resource Recovery Association (CRRA) Resources for Edible Food Recovery Compliance and Outreach
CRRA’s Best Practices Subcommittee of the Edible Food Recovery Technical Council created customizable templates for food recovery organizations reaching out to new donors, and jurisdictions conducting SB 1383 education and outreach to their Tier 1 and Tier 2 commercial edible food generators.
The templates are designed to include local information with space to add:
• Local health department contact information
• Logos
• Other location-specific information

Jurisdictions play a vital role in ensuring that robust food recovery programs are implemented in their communities.

SB 1383 categorizes regulated food donors into two tiers that must start donating edible food in 2022 and 2024.

Starting in 2022, regulated food donors must establish agreements with local food recovery organizations to donate edible food safely.
For more information contact: Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCP), Organic Waste Methane Emissions Reductions, SLCP.organics@calrecycle.ca.gov