Statutory Findings
Statute requires CalRecycle to find an LEA not to be fulfilling its responsibilities if CalRecycle, in conducting the LEA performance review, makes one or more of the following findings (Public Resources Code Section 43214 (d)):
- The local enforcement agency has failed to exercise due diligence in the inspection of solid waste facilities and disposal sites.
- The local enforcement agency has intentionally misrepresented the results of inspections.
- The local enforcement agency has failed to prepare, or cause to be prepared, permits, permit revisions, or closure and postclosure maintenance plans.
- The local enforcement agency has approved permits, permit revisions, or closure and postclosure maintenance plans which are not consistent with Part 4 and Part 5 of the Public Resources Code.
- The local enforcement agency has failed to take appropriate enforcement actions.
- The enforcement agency has failed to comply with, or has taken actions that are inconsistent with, or unauthorized by statute or regulations.