Suppliers of Recycled Plastic Postconsumer Material

Suppliers of Recycled Plastic Postconsumer Material (RPPCM) to Manufacturers of regulated trash bags are required to comply with the Recycled Content Trash Bag Law.

The regulations provide a definition of terms, including “Recycled Plastic Postconsumer Material.” The definitions and information in the regulations describe the Program requirements.

To comply with the Law, RPPCM Suppliers must:

  • Provide each regulated trash bag Manufacturer with a statement identifying the quantity and proximate prior usage of the RPPCM supplied
  • Provide information regarding the actual postconsumer content (APCM) of the RPPCM sold to the Manufacturer for use in the regulated trash bags
  • Provide any other information required of the Manufacturer by CalRecycle for the purposes of inclusion in the annual certification to CalRecycle

Suppliers List

 CalRecycle maintains a list of Suppliers of RPPCM to support Manufacturers of plastic trash bags in obtaining RPPCM. If you are a Supplier of RPPCM and would like to be added to this list, send an email with your request to

As part of this request, include the following:

  • Company name
  • Mailing address
  • Phone number
  • Website address (If available) 
  • Contact person (CalRecycle will verify company information with this contact)

Mail: CalRecycle, Attn:  Plastic Trash Bag Certification Program, P.O. Box 4025, MS 10A-17, Sacramento, CA  95812-4025

Phone: (916) 324-1246  |   Email:  |  Fax: (916) 319-7694