Environmentally Preferable Purchasing for Schools
Why Environmentally Preferable Purchasing?
Purchasing is a key aspect of any school district’s sustainable materials management efforts. Purchasing decisions about product life, warranty, repair service, as well as packaging, and the amount of recycled content in products can impact the amount of waste and greenhouse gas emissions produced by a school district.
Green schools
“Green schools” minimize the impact of their operations on the environment through more efficient use of energy and other natural resources, reduced use of toxic materials, and efforts to improve indoor/outdoor air quality.
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing practices can help schools achieve or exceed environmental goals and requirements, including, but not limited to, California Education Code, sections 32370-32376–Recycled-Paper Purchases, which recommends “adjusting procurement specifications to prefer purchases of recycled paper with the highest percentage of postconsumer waste and a 5% purchase preference compared to non-recycled paper of comparable quality.”
School Board Policy
School Board policy sets the direction for the community’s schools, establishes an effective and efficient structure, provides support, and ensures accountability.
The California School Board Association (CSBA) Policy Services offers sample Board policies and administrative regulations (including those for energy and water management and green school operations) to member school districts.
The Green Schools Initiative also provides additional sample green purchasing policies and green buying tools.
Other Benefits of Environmentally Preferable Purchasing
- Reduction and elimination of toxic and hazardous materials in schools
- Improving environmental health
- Asthma Friendly products can help reduce asthma-related absenteeism rates
- Reduced overall consumption
- Increased markets for renewable, recycled, recyclable, and compostable products
- Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
- Conservation of water and energy
- Reduction of landfill materials
- Promotion of long-lasting, high-quality, reusable products
Visit CalRecycle Environmentally Preferable Purchasing webpage for more information.
Finding Environmentally Preferable Products
Finding Environmentally Preferable Products is not hard! Below are some resources that will help you identify green products for schools.
- U.S. EPA provides the following resources for environmentally preferable procurement:
- CalRecycle’s Recycled-Content Product Manufacturers (RCPM) this directory highlights innovative recycled-content products made by California manufacturers who use recycled waste as a feedstock.
- Other Resources
- Purchasing Safer Cleaning Products: Green Seal–look for GS-37, GS-52, and GS-53 Green Seal certified cleaning products
- Fact Sheets about Purchasing Decisions–Informed Green Solutions
- Green Schools Alliance (GSA)
Get Recognized for your Efforts!
As a green school, celebrate your success and consider applying for the awards below:
For more information contact: Schools Program, schools@calrecycle.ca.gov.