Office of Public Affairs
For Immediate Release: July 24, 2023
News Release #2023-05
Media Contact: Melanie Turner
916-341-6763 |
July 24-25: Share expertise on recycling, reuse/refill, enforcement and more
SACRAMENTO — CalRecycle wants industry partners, the public and all interested parties to give input as it writes the regulations for California’s Plastic Pollution Prevention and Producer Responsibility Act, SB 54 (Allen, Chapter 75, Statutes of 2022). The law requires that by 2032 most plastic packaging and plastic food ware is recycled, and that producers make 25% less of these single-use materials.
Your next opportunity to weigh in prior to CalRecycle drafting the regulations is at 10 a.m. today and Tuesday. Topics to be presented over the two days range from the recycling rate and enforcement to the producer responsibility plan for how California will meet SB 54’s goals to an update on the needs assessment with information critical to achieve the goals.
Who – CalRecycle asks to hear from the public and other interested parties, such as:
- The packaging industry, retailers and grocers
- Local governments, recyclers, composters and haulers
- Nonprofits, environmental justice organizations and community groups
What – Give input on SB 54 rules for single-use plastic packaging and plastic food ware.
- July 24 workshop topics:
- Recycling rate
- Compostable items
- Reusable/refillable definition
- Producer definition
- Producer Responsibility Plan
- Data reporting
- July 25 workshop topics:
- Needs assessment update
- Ecomodulation
- Advisory board
- Enforcement
When – 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. Monday, July 24, and Tuesday, July 25
Where – CalEPA, 1001 I St., Byron Sher Auditorium (2nd floor), Sacramento, CA 95814
- Participate remotely: July 24 Sign-Up | July 25 | Live Webcast
Why – California is building a circular economy to address climate and trash pollution.
SB 54 Home Page | SB 54 Fact Sheet | SB 54 Listserv
SB 54 requires:

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CalRecycle's mission is to protect California's environment and climate for the health and prosperity of future generations through the reduction, reuse and recycling of California resources, environmental education, disaster recovery, and the transition from a disposable to a fully circular economy.