Technical Assistance and Training

CalRecycle provides RAC engineering and technical assistance to its RAC grantees and local jurisdictions through a technical service contract. This assistance provides education and training on RAC usage, design, specification, construction, inspection and technical assistance for agencies throughout California.

The overall objective of this effort is to increase the technical knowledge base of RAC to ensure successful projects and thereby increase use of RAC by local agencies. CalRecycle also supports local agencies by providing construction management oversight on RAC grant projects. Additionally, CalRecycle has developed a Co-operative Purchase Program for local agencies to counteract the cost and material availability issues faced by agencies with small quantity projects.

The training program is accomplished in several different ways including: one-on-one training sessions for agencies; group and regional training workshops; Webinars; and presentations at industry seminars and conferences.

The attached RAC guidebook provides an overview of rubberized asphalt application and usage, design and specifications, production and construction guides, and RAC inspection.

For more information contact: Tire Management Program Hotline,