
Tire enforcement agencies (TEA) will issue the standardized Notice of Violation when violations occur. The TEAs also have the ability to use other agencies for additional enforcement activity.

Notice of Violation

The use of standardized documents by the local jurisdiction (TEA) when pursuing enforcement, such as the Waste Tire Survey and Inspection Report forms (CIWMB Forms 181, 182, 183), will ensure consistency and uniformity throughout the state.

TEAs use the following enforcement tools:

As presented in the procedures and requirements document provided to each TEA, the TEA is responsible for inspections and the Notice of Violation (NoV) process. The NoV process includes the issuance of NoVs using the Waste Tire Survey and Inspection Report forms.

The TEA shall issue the Inspection report documenting the violations and a re-inspection date. At that time the TEA shall include the NoV and appropriate Citable Offenses handouts advising owners/operators/haulers of outstanding violation(s), and their rights and responsibilities. The TEA shall formally refer sites to CalRecycle enforcement staff when compliance is not achieved through the NoV process.

Once a TEA initiates the NoV process, the enforcement process may lead in one of a number of directions depending on the threat to the environment, the operators past enforcement history, and in some cases, the operator’s progress in complying. Enforcement may culminate in a criminal and/or administrative complaint and/or referral to the Tire Remediation and Engineering Technical Services Unit for a CalRecycle-managed cleanup.

Also see the overview of procedures for determining waste tire facility type and whether or not to issue a NoV for new location (note this does not include permitted facilities).

Air Resources Board Surveillance

CalRecycle coordinates with the Air Resources Board (ARB) to set up high tech video surveillance equipment to monitor activities that violate waste tire laws at locations specified by CalRecycle. It may be useful for TEAs to use the ARB services in surveillance of an area with repeated waste tire violations that they have not been able to document.

ARB will utilize black and white, color, infrared and pinhole cameras, various lenses, VCRs, DVDs, laptop computers, boxes to conceal the cameras, camera mounts, night vision binoculars, fast deployment video surveillance systems, power camera controllers, and other equipment. CalRecycle staff will use the information that ARB provides, the logs of the dates, times, places and type of equipment used along with the violations captured on tape at each location and the quality of each video to prepare a report evaluating the success of using such equipment to enforce waste tire laws.

To utilize the services of the ARB, call your primary CalRecycle contact and complete the ARB Surveillance Request form, CalRecycle 205 (Updated 7/1/10).

For more information contact: Tire Enforcement,