Questions about the Illegal Disposal Site Grant Program grant application are accepted in writing only, no later than September 18, 2024 and January 08, 2025. Similar or related questions may be grouped together or reworded for clarity and responded to as one question.
All questions and answers will be posted during the application period and are subject to updates. It is the applicant’s responsibility to check this website for the latest information regarding this grant cycle.
General | Eligibility | Funding | Application
No questions at this time.
- For government entities (e.g., a city) applying for this grant, is public property owned by the City/public permissible under this grant? Under the proposed clean-up sites (public parks, rights-of-way, and abandoned/unoccupied city/private buildings), would we also be eligible to waive our cost recovery in the narrative proposal document and submit a waiver for approval?
Yes, you are allowed to apply knowing that grant funds will be used to address illegal disposal on public property. In terms of cost recovery, this is automatically waived when grant funds are used for remediation on public properties. Cost recovery is mostly applicable when grant funds are used on private property.
- How do I know if I’m eligible? Or whom do I contact to see if I qualify?
Eligible applicants are listed on the website and in the Application Guidelines and Instructions document. Only public entities (Counties, Cities, Districts, State agencies, and Joint Powers Authorities) are eligible to apply for our grants. Questions regarding the application and its requirements must be submitted in writing via e-mail:
- Would costs for hosting city-wide dumpster days to help mitigate illegal dumping be considered an eligible expense?
Yes, costs for hosting a city-wide dumpster day would be considered an eligible expense since it would be considered a “Waste Removal and Disposal” cost. It is recommended that the costs associated with the clean-up days be itemized such as cost of staff time, disposal cost, equipment cost, etc. CalRecycle would need a more detailed breakdown of the cost to ensure all activities are eligible expenses. See the Eligible Costs section the Procedures and Requirements document.
- With the Illegal Disposal Site Abatement Program funds, the city would secure this area with a more reliable fence, barriers, and other measures to ensure the trash does not reappear and the area remains clean. Would this be an eligible use of funds?
Yes, this would be an eligible use of funds. This would fall under the category of Security/Prevention measures. As stated on page 6 of the Procedures and Requirements document, “These Prevention measures and staff time are limited to no more than 25 percent of the overall grant amount. These measures can include public information materials.” This means that a portion of the grant amount can be allocated for the purpose as stated in your question.
Also, the sites should be on public property and owned by the city as there are additional steps required if the sites are privately-owned.
- Is a vehicle such as a knuckle boom truck an eligible expense? The knuckle boom truck will be used to pick up illegal dumping material at various hot spots throughout our jurisdiction. If a knuckle boom truck is an eligible expense, please confirm “Cleanup/Removal” is the most applicable budget category this expense should be listed?
The purchase of a knuckle boom truck would not be an eligible expense since the truck could be used for other purposes outside of this grant. If the county already owns a knuckle boom truck, then the county may invoice a per hourly equipment usage rate according to Caltrans equipment rates. The “Cleanup/Removal” is the most applicable budget category this expense should be listed.
- Are cameras an eligible expense? If cameras are an eligible expense, do they fall into the 25 percent limit amount of the overall grant request as identified in the “security measures” section of eligible costs? Additionally, if cameras are an eligible expense, please confirm “Planning/Design/Development/Fabrication” is the most applicable budget category where this expense should be listed?
Yes, cameras would be an eligible use of funds. This would fall under the category of Security/prevention measures. As stated on page 6 of the Procedures and Requirements document, “These Prevention measures and staff time are limited to no more than 25 percent of the overall grant amount. These measures can include public information materials.” Yes, the “Planning/Design/Development/Fabrication” is the most applicable budget category where this expense should be listed.
- Could you kindly provide guidance on how to proceed with establishing or enhancing our Environmentally Preferable Purchasing and Practices Policy? Any information or resources you could share would be greatly appreciated.
You can find information/resources for the Environmentally Preferable Purchases and Practices Policy Requirement on page 7 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions for the Illegal Disposal Site Abatement Grant. Also, here is an additional link/resource: Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) – CalRecycle Home Page.
- Do the details in the Procedures and Requirements cover both the Illegal Disposal Site Abatement Grant Program and the Legacy Disposal Site Abatement Grant Program? Are the eligible expenses included in the Procedure and Requirements inclusive of both grant programs?
Yes, there is only one Procedures and Requirements document that covers both grant programs. Yes, the eligible expenses section is inclusive of both grant programs.