Questions about the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program application were accepted in writing only, no later than June 3, 2016. Similar or related questions were grouped together or reworded for clarity and responded to as one question.
The question-and-answer period is now closed for this grant cycle. All questions and answers are posted on this site.
General | Eligibility | Funding | Application
- I have an existing Beverage Container Recycling Grant. Can I run two beverage grants at the same time?
Yes. However, you cannot start your new grant if you have any outstanding debt with CalRecycle. Each cycle is separate and distinct from the previous cycle. Each grant will have different grant term dates and separate Budgets, Work Plans, etc. Previous applicants or grantees are permitted to apply in this cycle. Current grantees cannot extend the current grant term by applying for a new grant.
- What happened to grant programs that funded businesses that invent methods and technologies to produce durable products of sufficient value to increase the demand for cullet? These programs lifted some or all of the financial burden of collecting and processing waste glass off state government and municipalities? Nothing in the way of grants to small businesses such as ours has returned to your program listings since then, but please do let us know if that ever changes.
In 2003, the Beverage Container Recycling Market Development and Expansion Grant Program was established to award grants for recycling market development and expansion activities. This program had a sunset date of January 1, 2012. There are no funds available for the Beverage Container Recycling Market Development and Expansion Grant Program.
Private businesses and individuals are not eligible to apply for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program. See the Application Guidelines and Instructions on Page 4 for eligible applicants.
CalRecycle has various grant and loan programs that may be of interest to private businesses, please visit the Grant, Payment, and Loan Programs web page for a listing of all our programs. CalRecycle encourages all potential applicants to sign up on our Listservs.
- We are in the process of applying for your beverage recycling grant. We are a nonprofit recycling center. How would an Environmental Preferable Purchases and Practices (EPPP) Policy be obtained?
Your organization must develop and adopt its own policy. You cannot obtain a policy from CalRecycle or another organization. Please refer to the EPPP Policy Requirement on Page 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. To see examples of existing EPPP Policies, open the EPPP Information document found on the Summary tab of your application.
- We are preparing to submit an application for the upcoming Beverage Container Grant Program. We are currently wrapping up an existing Beverage Container Grant where we had three bids for custom-designed recycling bins. Our new grant will focus on bringing our custom bins to new sites within our school district. Since we have already established a relationship with a particular manufacturer who won the bidding process by being the lowest bidder, and they have produced our custom bins, is it still necessary to get three quotes for the same bins? Will it suffice to have an updated quote from the manufacturer of our custom bins?
If awarded for this cycle, bids must be current at the time of invoicing. If the bins are unique to your project and customized in such a way that no other manufacturer can produce a similar type of product, a sole source letter will suffice at the time of your application. Refer to Competitive Bid Requirements on Page 6 of the Procedures and Requirements.
- When beverage containers are collected, they must be sorted and counted for data collection, correct? After data is collected, could the containers be taken to a local recycling center to receive the California Redemption Value deposit refund? Or do they need to be returned to a specific facility as approved by CalRecycle?
Yes. Quarterly volume reporting of California Redemption Value beverage containers for glass, aluminum, plastic (by resin type), and bi-metal in tons or pounds is required. These containers must be recycled. You can choose to redeem the materials at a certified recycling center and receive the deposit refund.
- I am interested in applying for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant and am wondering if a program that places recycling containers in indoor city offices and facilities for city staff and the public would be eligible for this grant?
Yes. Programs that place beverage container recycling containers in indoor city offices and facilities for city staff and the public would be eligible for this grant, as long as the beverage containers are being recycled. Please note, CalRecycle offers Recycling Starter Kits, which are tall black bins that may meet your needs. The amount of Recycling Starter Kit bins you can receive is limited.
- We noticed that under non-profit organizations you have a note indicating the exception of private schools. We are a private university. Is our institution eligible to apply under non-profit organizations criteria?
Private colleges and universities are eligible if they are non-profit organizations registered with the federal government under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(6), or (c)(10). The “except private schools” language refers to private elementary and secondary schools.
- Is the Beverage Container Recycling Grant just for U.S. citizens or is it available to a Canadian citizen to start up the business in Canada? Can a U.S. citizen set up the business in Canada?
The Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program applies only to projects in California.
Private, for-profit businesses and individuals are not eligible to apply for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program. Refer to Page 4 and 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions for additional information regarding eligible applicants and projects. - Recycling centers are closing all over California due to the decline in value of recyclables, severely limiting opportunities for consumers to recycle bottles and cans. Will supporting the operations of recycling centers be considered an appropriate use for these grant funds?
Private businesses and individuals are not eligible to apply for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program. Refer to Page 4 and 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions for additional information regarding eligible applicants and projects.
Costs for establishing a recycling center are not eligible for reimbursement under the current Beverage Container Recycling Grant. However, grant funds may be utilized for infrastructure such as, beverage container recycling bins, beverage container recycling education and outreach, and personnel costs in an existing recycling center.
Refer to ineligible costs on Page 6 and eligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
If you are interested in starting a recycling center, refer to our page on How to Become a Certified Operator.
- I am interested in learning more about projects that would qualify under the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program. The two Model Projects listed on the Beverage Container Recycling home page are very limited in scope.
A list of Awarded Cycles including project information, can be found on our Beverage Container Recycling Grants web page. You can click on RBC27 Awards for fiscal year 2015-16 etc.
Refer to eligible costs on Page 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. These eligible costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
- We are a non-profit private school, are we eligible to apply?
Private primary or secondary schools are not eligible. Private colleges and universities are eligible if they are non-profit organizations registered with the federal government under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(6), or (c)(10). Refer to eligible applicants on Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
- I am an owner and operator of a recycling center; I would like to know if I qualify for this grant. What are the most important things that I need to do to be awarded?
Private businesses and individuals are not eligible to apply for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program. However, private businesses and individuals in collaboration with any eligible applicant, as identified on Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions, are permitted to apply.
- I noticed this program lists trash bins as ineligible. Can you advise if Bigbelly solar recycle bins would be eligible? Can a city apply for solar recycle bins alone or does it need to be in conjunction with an educational component?
Yes. Bigbelly bins are an eligible expense. Once you have logged into the Grants Management System, you will notice a link to several application documents on the Summary tab. Evaluators will utilize the Scoring Criteria to review the application documents you submit. Your need for Bigbelly bins would need to be justified in relation to your overall application. Please clearly list your need for this specific type of bin on your Narrative Proposal. Be sure to explain why this bin is needed/required as opposed to other types of beverage container recycling bins. Applicants can choose to purchase just bins for their project or can do a project involving bins and education.
- On the Budget template downloaded on the Grants Management System (GMS) site, it states under Operating Expenses “Supplies (to include but not limited to: rent, phone, internet).” However, under Grant Guidelines, it states that rent, phone, etc. are considered “Indirect costs” and are not eligible reimbursements. Please clarify. Can rent and phone (expenses specific to this grant) be listed as a budget item?
It appears you might be referencing the Budget template from a different grant program or a previous cycle. Please check GMS and confirm that you are using the correct Budget document. As stated in the Applications Guidelines and Instructions and the Procedures and Requirements, costs such as rent, and telephone expenses are considered indirect costs and are not eligible for reimbursement under this grant. The Budget document included as part of this grant application does not reflect those costs as eligible.
Refer to eligible and ineligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. These eligible costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
- A municipally owned convention center is operated by a private management company under a Joint Venture Agreement with our municipality. Is our private management company eligible to apply for the beverage container grant or must the application come from the municipality?
Private businesses and individuals are not eligible to apply for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program. However, private businesses and individuals may collaborate with any eligible applicant, as identified on Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.A “consultant-type” person or company may complete all the paperwork for an eligible applicant. They can obtain a WebPass, complete the online application, submit a resolution, etc. The eligible applicant (city, county, etc.) is the grantee and the responsible party. In this case, the municipality is the eligible applicant and not an individual municipal department or the private management company.
Only one application can be submitted per qualifying entity. One application cannot be submitted by a city or county and then another application by one of their agencies or departments.
- Would a CalRecycle grant fund a relocation of a recycling operations site as the result of business impacts/growth? Would a shading structure/awning be eligible to purchase with the grant? Would a new concrete pad be eligible?
Private businesses and individuals are not eligible to apply for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program. Refer to Page 4 and 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions for additional information regarding eligible applicants and projects.
Costs for establishing a recycling center are not eligible for reimbursement under the current Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program. Relocation of an existing recycling center or other facility or entity is considered to be establishing a new center, facility, or entity, and those costs are ineligible. However, grant funds may be utilized for infrastructure such as, beverage container recycling bins, concrete pads, beverage container recycling education and outreach, and personnel costs in an existing recycling center.
Refer to eligible and ineligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. These eligible costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
- Can grant money be used for travel and accommodations to/from educational venues? The organization I am representing does shows with outfits made out of recycled materials and educational commentary. The program has a strong focus on California Redemption Value as well as other types of materials. The organization attends annual events to bring their show to the premier groups of environmental leaders. Our organization would like to build on the program and how we deliver it. We would like to continue to bring the shows to events, schools, conferences, and other educational outreach opportunities. However, we lack travel funding to the venues and always want to add more outfits and educational outreach to the meat of the shows. Is this something we can apply for? If we expanded our outreach to these events and promote California Redemption Value collection along with other material reuse and recycling, can we apply for personnel funding to help manage the overall grant as well as assist in supporting/growing the California Redemption Value portion of our travel and educational outreach?
If the organization you are representing is a private business, they are not eligible to apply for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program. Refer to Page 4 and 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions for additional information regarding eligible applicants and projects.
Travel/accommodations, personnel, and education/outreach expenses related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling are eligible expenses. Expenses unrelated to beverage container recycling are ineligible. Refer to eligible and ineligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
- Are replacement reverse vending machines for California Redemption Value an eligible cost for aging machines at an existing recycling center?
Yes. If awarded, you are allowed to utilize grant funds to purchase, install, and replace, aging California Redemption Value reverse vending machines at certified recycling centers. Ensure that all costs for the California Redemption Value reverse vending machines are included in the Budget document. These costs can include but are not limited to installation, maintenance, supplies, tax, shipping, delivery, personnel costs, etc.
- Our current vehicle used for collecting California Redemption Value is 14 years old. Can I submit a proposal for a new vehicle for collection and sorting of California Redemption Value? We purchased two recycling trailers and take them to special events. Can I submit a proposal for staff time to bring to events and process the recycling we capture? Is a tuff shed an eligible expense to store supplies and sort recyclables in advance before redeeming at a redemption facility?
Vehicles, trailers, sheds, and personnel staff time related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling are eligible expenses. Refer to eligible costs on Page 5 Application Guidelines and Instructions.
- Can grant funds be used towards the purchase of a baler or the restoration of a current baler that is related to baling of cans and bottles in a recycling center?
Yes. A baler used only to recycle California Redemption Value beverage containers at an existing recycling center is an eligible expense. Refer to Eligible Costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
- Does the purchase of a vehicle need to be completed within the grant term? Can a financed payment plan be obtained and included for sustainability purposes after the grant term ends? Also, do rental/lease vehicles qualify as an eligible expenditure if a sustainability plan is included?
The purchase, rental, or lease of a vehicle related only to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling is an eligible expense. Costs incurred for the vehicle must occur during the term of the grant. Costs will not be reimbursable before the Notice to Proceed and after the termination date of the grant. Refer to Eligible Costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
- We’re a manufacturer of recycling and waste containers and we would like to know if any company in California can apply for the Beverage Container Recycling grant? Are there parameters or guidelines to who can apply? Please provide any information on organizations that qualify for a Beverage Container Recycling Grant. Can they buy any containers or only cans and bottle bins?
Private businesses and individuals are not eligible to apply for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant. However, private businesses and individuals may collaborate with any eligible applicant, as identified on Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
Refer to eligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. These eligible costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
Dual bins or multi-sort bins are eligible expenses for this grant, as long as one section includes the collection and recycling of California Redemption Value beverage containers. All bins must be permanently bound to each other.
- Are only recycling cans eligible for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program? Are compost bins eligible? I understand that landfill bins are not eligible, but often, bins come in sets (landfill/recycling/compost). Are those not eligible as well?
Dual bins or multi-sort bins are eligible expenses for this grant, as long as one section includes the collection and recycling of California Redemption Value beverage containers. All bins must be permanently bound to each other.
Refer to eligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. These eligible costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
- Our application will feature cluster bins (as we are aiming to provide matching, bound-together bins for trash, recycling, and compost). If our recycling bins are commingled (allowing beverage containers and more), is our grant request allowable?
Dual bins or multi-sort bins are eligible expenses for this grant, as long as one section includes the collection and recycling of California Redemption Value beverage containers. All bins must be permanently bound to each other.
Refer to eligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. These eligible costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
- I discovered a company shut down and removed a reverse vending machine that accepts and recycles California Redemption Value beverage containers in our town. I would like to apply for this grant and purchase a reverse vending machine for this area. Can I order and install several reverse vending machines? They will be installed in various locations within a 100-mile radius of our town where there are no certified recycle centers. Would this project be eligible, and if so, how many machines are eligible?
Yes. If awarded, you are allowed to utilize grant funds to purchase and install California Redemption Value reverse vending machines at an existing certified recycling center. There is no limit to the number of machines you can purchase. However, the maximum amount of funds you can request for the grant is $250,000.
Private businesses and individuals are not eligible to apply for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant. However, private businesses and individuals may collaborate with any eligible applicant, as identified on Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
Costs for establishing a recycling center are not eligible for reimbursement under the current Beverage Container Recycling Grant. However, grant funds may be utilized for infrastructure such as, beverage container recycling bins, beverage container recycling education and outreach, and personnel costs in an existing recycling center. Refer to eligible and ineligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. These eligible costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
Refer to Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions for additional information regarding eligible projects.
If you are interested in starting a certified recycling center, refer to our page on How to Become a Certified Operator and/or the Certification Application Instructions for Recycling Centers and Processors. You can also contact the Certification Unit at 916-324-8598.
- Where do we send California Redemption Value beverage containers after collected? Should we drop the California Redemption Value beverage containers at any recycle centers near us or do we order someone to pick them up? Do we need to set up a business license for fundraising purposes? Do I need to attend certificate training program? I notice on the web site about training in English and Spanish. Can I request an American Sign Language interpreter to be at the training center as the web site said that I cannot bring my own interpreter?
Private businesses and individuals are not eligible to apply for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant. However, private businesses and individuals may collaborate with any eligible applicant, as identified on Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
Costs for establishing a recycling center are not eligible for reimbursement under the current Beverage Container Recycling Grant. However, grant funds may be utilized for infrastructure such as, beverage container recycling bins, beverage container recycling education and outreach, and personnel costs in an existing recycling center. Refer to eligible and ineligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. These eligible costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
Refer to Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions for additional information regarding eligible projects.
If you are interested in starting a certified recycling center, refer to our page on How to Become a Certified Operator or contact the Certification Unit at 916 324 8598. This page can also provide information about training related to becoming a certified recycling center. Reverse vending machines must follow all appropriate rules and regulations which may include but are not limited to local zoning and rate requirements.
- May I use grant funds to purchase a reverse vending that issues the redeemer a pre-paid card to make credit/debit purchases)?
No. Reverse vending machines are only eligible if they issue a cash refund or a voucher immediately redeemable for cash.
- Can I utilize grant funds to employ personnel required to meet the needs of the community.
Refer to Page 4 and 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions for additional information regarding eligible applicants and projects.
Personnel expenses related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling are eligible expenses. Expenses unrelated to beverage container recycling are ineligible. Refer to eligible and ineligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
- Can grant funds be used for education on REDUCING and REUSING, in addition to recycling?
Refer to eligible and ineligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. While Education/Outreach and Advertising/Promotional are eligible activities, costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
- Would grant funds cover the promotion of all beverage container recycling, including non-California Redemption Value containers (such as exempt plastic bottles), or are only California Redemption Value containers covered?
Yes. Grant funds can be used to recycle non-California Redemption Value beverage containers. However, California Redemption Value beverage containers must be part of the grant and part of the materials being recycled.
- Are grant funds eligible for hydration stations (water refilling fountains) to reduce the amount of beverage containers used in public spaces?
No. The purchase of a hydration station is not an eligible expense. Refer to eligible and ineligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. These eligible costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling. - Can grant funds be used to purchase promotional items or offer rewards to incentivize recycling, such as school contests?
No. Stuff We All Get/promotional items, such as rewards, are not an eligible expense. Refer to eligible and ineligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. These eligible costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
- If our project contains a multi-tiered approach, does CalRecycle have the ability to award funding for specific portions of the project in lieu of its entirety?
Your Narrative Proposal may include a description of a multi-tiered approach. However, your budget document should only include eligible expenses related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling. At least one part of your tiered approach has to meet the minimum grant award.
The minimum grant award is $50,000 and the maximum grant award is $250,000. Your application will be disqualified if it does not fall within this range. If an application requests a combination of eligible and ineligible budget items, the application will be disqualified if the total of the eligible items is below the minimum grant award.
Refer to ineligible eligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
- We are a nonprofit looking to develop a software application to map recycle/reduce/reuse opportunities in the community. Could the grant funds be used for the development of this application that include contracted technical support? Could grant funds be used to develop curriculum, educational materials, and children’s books?
Refer to the Grant Term on Page 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. The Grant Term begins on the date indicated in the Notice to Proceed. The Grant Term ends on June 28, 2019 (RBC 28 FY 2016‒17) or June 30, 2020 (RBC 29 FY 2017‒18).
Grant-eligible program expenditures may start no earlier than the date indicated in the Notice to Proceed. Eligible program costs must be incurred no later than June 28, 2019 (RBC 28 FY 2016‒17) or June 30, 2020 (RBC 29 FY 2017‒18).
An eligible entity can apply, be awarded, and contract services with an entity who may not be eligible to apply on their own. Both the grantee and contractor are responsible for all grant requirements. The grantee would be responsible to work out payments with the contractor. CalRecycle reimburses grantees only.
Education/outreach, advertising/promotional, and personnel expenses related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling are eligible expenses. Expenses unrelated to beverage container recycling are ineligible. Refer to eligible and ineligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. The items listed in the question might be eligible if they part of an eligible project and to the extent they are related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
- Would applications be considered for equipment which would allow us to continue to provide services that we would otherwise discontinue due to our reduced beverage container recycling grant funding?
Yes. Purchase of equipment related to beverage container recycling is an eligible cost under the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program. Refer to eligible costs on Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
Refer to Page 4 and 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions for additional information regarding eligible applicants and projects.
CalRecycle is seeking projects that implement new or enhance existing programs to provide convenient beverage container recycling opportunities in various locations statewide.
- If I don’t ask for the minimum or ask for more than the maximum, will my application be disqualified?
Yes. The minimum grant award is $50,000 and the maximum grant award is $250,000. Your application will be disqualified if it does not fall within this range. If an application requests a combination of eligible and ineligible budget items, the application will be disqualified if the total of the eligible items is below the minimum grant award.
- Can the Beverage Container Recycling Grant funds be used to clean up alleys and pay for personnel to get the work completed?
Yes. Personnel costs related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling are eligible expenditures. Any personnel expenditures to be reimbursed with grant funds must be calculated based on actual time spent on grant-related activities and on the actual salary or equivalent hourly wage the employee is paid. Refer to eligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. CalRecycle also provides funds annually to 13 Local Conservation Corps which may be available to assist jurisdictions with litter abatement, recycling, and conservation projects. Contact the nearest Local Community Conservation Corps to inquire about their capacity to assist with your specific project needs.
- Our county is a franchise county. As terms of a newly executed waste services franchise agreement between our county and one of our franchise waste service providers, the franchisee is building a brand-new state of the art materials recovery facility (MRF) to replace an antiquated MRF. While we don’t operate the MRF, the county maintains the franchise agreement which is effective through 2029, pending completion of the new MRF. We would like to know if the purchase of an optical sorter is an eligible expense given our county’s franchise exclusivity and the great beverage container recovery benefit an optical sorter could offer our communities. What if our county owns the optical sorting equipment and leases it to the franchisee?
In general, an optical sorter is an eligible expense under this grant program as long as it’s used to recycle California Redemption Value beverage containers. However, the purchase of equipment to lease to third parties is not eligible.
- Are grant funds available to help us purchase recycle bins for our campus?
Yes. Purchase of equipment related to beverage container recycling is an eligible cost under the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program. Refer to eligible costs on Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
- The minimum amount for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant is $50,000. How can we spend that much on containers?
The minimum grant award is $50,000 and the maximum grant award is $250,000. Your application will be disqualified if it does not fall within this range. If an application requests a combination of eligible and ineligible budget items, the application will be disqualified if the total of the eligible items is below the minimum grant award.
A list of previous awards can be found on the Beverage Container Recycling Grants home page under the heading Awarded Cycles. These links can possibly guide you with respect to items you may want to purchase and increasing your total request to $50,000 or more. - How are grant funds distributed? Will CalRecycle distribute funds prior to project implementation, or will project costs be fronted by the Grantee and tracked for later reimbursement?
Refer to Grant Payment Information on Page 9 of the Procedures and Requirements. Payments to the grantee for eligible grant expenses is made on a reimbursement basis only and for only those materials and services specified in the approved grant application.
- On page 17 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions, it says: “Payment Requests must include itemized documentation of claimed expenses (e.g., itemized receipts and proof of payment of invoices).” As a non-profit, we would have difficulty paying large subcontractor and other invoices prior to getting reimbursed from CalRecycle. Would itemized receipts suffice, or would invoices absolutely need to be paid prior to receiving reimbursement?
Refer to Grant Payment Information on Page 9 of the Procedures and Requirements. Payments to the grantee for eligible grant expenses is made on a reimbursement basis only and for only those materials and services specified in the approved grant application.
Refer to Cost and Payment Documentation on Page 11, item B, of the Procedures and Requirements.
- Invoices, receipts or purchase orders containing the product manufacturer, supplier/vendor, and/or contractor name, phone number, address, purchase amount, date and description of goods/services; and
- Proof of payment (e.g., copies of cancelled checks, invoices or receipts marked with date paid, name who authorized payment, check number, or actual check copy, accounting reports if identified by a check number, date, product manufacturer, supplier/vendor, and/or contractor name and amount, hours and rate of pay.)
- Matching funds are not required. Are they beneficial to scoring? Should we include matching funds if we have them?
Matching funds are not required. However, matching funds can improve the cost-effectiveness of your proposal and enable you to keep managerial and miscellaneous costs to a minimum, which are areas that may increase your score in the budget criteria.
- What kind of funds are available?
Refer to available funds on Page 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
Both cycles will be awarded using information submitted in the RBC 28 application. RBC 28 (FY 2016-17) will be awarded in December of 2016 and RBC 29 (FY 2017-18) will be awarded in August of 2017. Only one submitted application will be used to consider funding for the combined grant cycles. The allocation is $1,500,000 for each fiscal year, totaling $3,000,000. A minimum grant award of $50,000 and a maximum grant award of $250,000 apply in each cycle. An applicant cannot receive grants in both cycles.
Refer to eligible and ineligible costs on Page 5 and 6 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions. These eligible costs must be directly related to California Redemption Value beverage container recycling.
- When I log into the Grants Management System, apply for grant, RBC 28 shows up, not RBC 29. Why?
Both cycles will be awarded using information submitted in the RBC 28 application. RBC 28 (FY 2016-17) will be awarded in December of 2016 and RBC 29 (FY 2017-18) will be awarded in August of 2017.
- We received the Notice of Funds Available for the Beverage Container Recycling Grant Program for fiscal years 2016-17 and 2017-18. Can we apply for both years in one application or do we apply for each year in two applications? Is each fiscal year application the same amount of minimum $50,000 maximum $250,000?
Only one submitted application will be used to consider funding for the combined grant cycles. The allocation is $1,500,000 for each fiscal year, totaling $3,000,000. A minimum grant award of $50,000 and a maximum grant award of $250,000 apply in each cycle. An applicant cannot receive grants in both cycles.
- Where is the grant application located?
Refer to the Notice of Funds Available web page and scroll down to the Timeline and Cycle Details section. The Application Guidelines and Instruction and link to the online Grant Management System are available on this page.
- Do government agencies (i.e. parks department) need to submit an application themselves or can another person submit the online grant application on their behalf?
A “consultant-type” person/company may complete all the paperwork for an eligible applicant. They can obtain a WebPass, complete the online application, submit a resolution, etc. The eligible applicant is the city or county and also the grantee and the responsible party. Refer to eligible applicants on Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
Refer to the Notice of Funds Available, Timeline and Cycle Details section. The Application Guidelines and Instruction and link to the online Grant Management System are available on this page.
Only one application per qualifying entity will be accepted.
- Can I do my Budget plan similar to the sample given? What is the maximum wage I can give a person?
You must use the Budget template provided by CalRecycle. Do not use any other template. You can use the Budget document example as a guide to help you create your own budget. You must upload the Budget document to the Documents tab.
There is no specific maximum wage amount for a personnel line item. However, you must provide a name, title, hours, and rate of pay for that person. Your supporting documentation (e.g. personnel’s resume, description of service person will provide, etc.) needs to clearly justify the rate and hours requested. It is also important to remember to justify the personnel costs in relation to the overall work being provided on the grant by that person. For example, will this person be the one implementing the grant, doing invoicing and reporting writing for the grant, etc. In this case, their rate and hours need to clearly reflect the overall work they will be doing.
- Who at CalRecycle will review our Environmentally Preferable Purchasing and Practices Policy (EPPP) to see if it meets the requirements for the grant program?
CalRecycle does not pre-approve or review EPPP Policy documents as part of the process for applying for a grant. Do not upload your EPPP Policy to your application. However, you do need to certify that your organization has one. This is done in the Detail tab of the application by answering the question “Does your organization have an Environmentally Preferable Purchasing and Practices Policy?” Select either Yes or No.
- What exactly are you looking for in an Environmental Preferable Purchasing Policy? In regards to EPP Policy format, does it need to be an approved policy, or a paragraph, or a page of guidelines? Would a green purchasing goal in a sustainability plan count?
The policy must address both environmental preferable purchasing and practices. There is no required format and each organization needs to determine what policies work best for their organization. We have provided a list of existing examples that contain concepts that CalRecycle encourages organizations to include, please see EPPP Information under the Resource Documents section in the Summary tab of the online application.
- If the Resolution is submitted by the August deadline, is it possible to submit the Application Certification document by the August deadline as well? Since the Resolution authorizes the Signature Authority to sign off on the grant, it seems that the signed Application Certification document would be sent after the authorizing Resolution is signed, rather than before the Resolution is signed.
The Application Certification is due with submittal of the application. The draft Resolution that is prepared for the Board will name the Signature Authority by title. The person named by title in the draft Resolution should sign the Application Certification. Once the Resolution is approved, the signature will become valid.
- On the Detail Tab in the GMS there is a place to include Matching Funds, although they are not required. In the Application Guidelines and Instructions, it states to “Skip the Matching Funds field.” However, if we have secured matching funds, should we include that number in this field?
Please do not enter the amount of matching funds in the Detail tab. You may provide that information as a part of your response in the Narrative Proposal.
- I am with non-profit association. We are trying to build communities which we provide help with the future need of our clients. This grant could help create more jobs for our non-profit. Are we eligible to apply?
Non-profit organizations registered with the federal government under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3), (c)(4), (c)(6), or (c)(10) are eligible to apply. Refer to eligible applicants on Page 4 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions.
Refer to Page 4 and 5 of the Application Guidelines and Instructions for additional information regarding eligible applicants and projects.
- Our project would be sited at one or more transit stations. This is not specifically on the list of appropriate site types. Would it still be eligible? For example, could a transit station be considered a recreational area? If so, what should we select in that section?
Yes. Transit sites are eligible locations to establish California Redemption Value beverage container recycling. Transit stops are not typically known as recreational areas. On your Narrative Proposal, Page 1, where it asks you to identify your proposed project type, mark “Other” and type “transit station” in the space provide. In the online application, under the Site tab, use the drop down for Site Type and select “Other.”
For more information, visit Beverage Container Recycling Home