Inspection Tools

The proper inspection tools will make the job of inspecting easier.

Standard Equipment

  • Camera. Used for photo documentation of violations.
  • Tape measure. Used to measure distances.
  • Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver. A Satellite Navigation System, funded by and controlled by the U. S. Department of Defense (DOD), that uses specially coded satellite signals that are processed through the GPS receiver to compute position, velocity, and time.

Optional Equipment

  • Photo log. Used to document the date, location, and specifics of a photo.
  • Binoculars. Used to view violations, etc. not within range of eyesight.
  • Calculator. Used for calculating the number of tires.
  • Protractor. Used to measure distances on a parcel map when address unknown.
  • Ruler. Used to measure distances on a parcel map when address unknown.
  • Clipboard. Used for a writing surface in field.
  • Hip chain. Hands-free chain attached to belt and used to measure distances.
  • Clinometer. A tilt meter designed to prevent roll-overs of equipment.

For more information contact: Tire Enforcement,