Funding Available for Infrastructure Projects Statewide–Local Governments Invited to Learn More about Available Grants and Loans

Office of Public Affairs
For Immediate Release: March 27, 2018
News Release #2018-08
Media Contact: Christina Files

SACRAMENTO – The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) and six other government agencies are hosting a funding fair in April to help local jurisdictions tap available resources for infrastructure projects. Public works and local government representatives are invited to attend the California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) Funding Fair at no cost.

What: CFCC Funding Fair for local governments (Registration:
Where: Housing and Community Development, Conference Room 402 A/B, 2020, W. El Camino Ave., Ste. 650, Sacramento, CA 95833
When: Wednesday, April 4, 2018 (Check-in begins at 8:00 a.m. with agency presentations and Q&A to follow)  

The Sacramento fair is the first of six to be held throughout the state in 2018. Agencies will present grant and loan information for project categories such as waste management and recycling, water, energy, streets and highways, and emergency response vehicles and facilities.

CalRecycle will provide information on its following grant and loan programs:

  • California Climate Investments logoOrganics Grants: Grants are available for projects that expand existing capacity or establish new facilities in California, such as composting and anaerobic digestion facilities, to reduce the amount of California-generated green materials and food waste sent to landfills.
  • Food Waste Prevention and Rescue Grants: These grants are available for projects that establish new or expand existing food waste prevention and rescue projects (source reduction or food rescue for people) in California to reduce the amount of food being disposed in landfills. Roughly, 1 in 8 Californians are food insecure.
  • Recycled Fiber, Plastic, and Glass Grants: Grants are available for projects that expand existing capacity or establish new facilities in California that use California-generated postconsumer recycled fiber (paper, textiles, carpet, or wood), plastic, or glass to manufacture recycled content products.
  • Greenhouse Gas Reduction Loans: This program provides low-interest loans to support new or expanded organics infrastructure, such as composting and anaerobic digestion facilities, as well as for facilities that manufacture fiber, plastic or glass waste materials into new products.
  • Recycling Market Development Zone (RMDZ) Loans: This program provides low-interest loans for the purchase of equipment and other relevant business costs for businesses located in CalRecycle-designated recycling market development zones. The program helps California manufacturers increase their processing capabilities and create additional markets for recycled-content products.

Most of these programs are part of the state’s California Climate Investments initiative. This program puts billions of Cap-and-Trade dollars to work reducing greenhouse gas emissions, strengthening the economy, and improving public health and the environment—particularly in disadvantaged communities. All GHG programs support projects that lower greenhouse gas emissions and reduce/divert materials being disposed in landfills.

California Financing Coordinating Committee Members include CalRecycleCalifornia Water Resources Control BoardCalifornia Department of Water ResourcesCalifornia Department of Housing and Community DevelopmentU.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development, U.S. Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, and California Infrastructure and Economic Development Bank.

Additional information and registration details for each of the funding fairs can be found at

April 4, 2018

Housing and Community Development
Conference Room 402 A/B
2020 W. El Camino Ave., Ste. 650
Sacramento, CA 95833

May 2, 2018
Red Bluff
Red Bluff community Center
1500 South Jackson St.
Red Bluff, CA 96080

May 23, 2018

UC Cooperative Extension
2145 Wardrobe Ave.
Merced, CA 95341

June 12, 2018
Santa Rosa
Sonoma County Water Agency
Redwood Rooms A-C
404 Aviation Blvd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403

August 29, 2018

Eastern Municipal Water District
Board Room
2270 Trumble Road
Perris, CA 92572

August 30, 2018

LA County Dept. of Public Works
Conference Rooms B-D
900 South Fremont Ave.
Alhambra, CA 91803


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CalRecycle's mission is to protect California's environment and climate for the health and prosperity of future generations through the reduction, reuse and recycling of California resources, environmental education, disaster recovery, and the transition from a disposable to a fully circular economy.