California Counties Find New Use for Old Tires– CalRecycle Funds Local Projects that Utilize 666,000 Recycled Waste Tires

Office of Public Affairs
For Immediate Release: March 22, 2018
News Release #2018-07
Media Contact: Lance Klug

SACRAMENTO–The California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle) has awarded $410,364 in grants for civil engineering projects in four counties that will use recycled California waste tires in place of conventional construction materials. California generates an estimated 42 million waste tires each year. CalRecycle’s Tire-Derived Aggregate Grant Program promotes the recycling and reuse of California-generated waste tires to keep them out of landfills or illegal dumpsites.

“The use of TDA in civil engineering projects is a win for California’s environment and its economy,” CalRecycle Director Scott Smithline said. “Rather than landfill these tires or create stockpiles that can lead to fires and other public health threats, California is making use of a recycled material that has proven to perform well for these types of projects.”

Tire-derived aggregate is a low-cost, lightweight, and fast-draining product suitable for use in civil engineering applications (video) such as retaining wall backfill, landslide stabilization, and various beneficial uses at landfills. The following projects received funding for the third and final TDA grant solicitation of fiscal year 2017-18.

Grant RecipientWaste Tires Used (Approx.)Project DescriptionAward
Sacramento County396,000 Use 3,960 tons of tire-derived aggregate to construct roadways and trenches at the county’s Kiefer Landfill.$77,220
Santa Barbara County93,500 Use 935 tons of tire-derived aggregate for retaining wall repair of the Ortega Ridge roadway in Summerland.$158,241
Tuolumne County81,100Use 811 tons of tire-derived aggregate for landslide repair project on Italian Bar and Buchanan roads.$120,082
Riverside County95,400Use 2,735 tons of tire-derived aggregate to construct trenches at 32 sites within the Badlands Landfill in Moreno Valley and Lamb Canyon Landfill in Beaumont.$54,821

The following projects are recommended for awards should additional funds become available.

Grant RecipientWaste Tires Used (Approx.)Project DescriptionAward
Riverside County178,100Funding to complete landfill projects described above.$102,384
Merced Co. Regional Waste Mgmt. Authority146,300 Use 1,463 tons of tire-derived aggregate to construct trenches at the Highway 59 Landfill.$106,982
Total324,400 $209,366

Eligible projects must be located in California and use at least 500 tons (equivalent of 50,000 passenger tires) of California-generated waste tires. Subscribe to CalRecycle’s TDA Grant Program listserv for notifications about funding availability, applicant and project eligibility, and application due dates.

CalRecycle’s Tire-Derived Aggregate Grant Program is funded through a fee on new tires sold in California.

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CalRecycle's mission is to protect California's environment and climate for the health and prosperity of future generations through the reduction, reuse and recycling of California resources, environmental education, disaster recovery, and the transition from a disposable to a fully circular economy.