Electronic Data Transfer (EDT)

The waste tire manifest system currently uses the Comprehensive Trip Log (CTL) form to report the transportation of waste or used tires from the generator to the end use facility. Electronic Data Transfer (EDT) allows authorized haulers to submit this information electronically to CalRecycle.

Generators or end use facility operators can easily access their manifest account to verify that the hauler has submitted the required manifest information to CalRecycle. Access is confidential and only allows the specific generator/operator to access records related to their particular business.

Signing Up for EDT

Switching from a paper/mail-in CTL form to electronic or computerized transmittal is fast, convenient, and easy to learn.

  • Haulers: To switch to the EDT process (batch mode or web-based), contact the Tire Hauler Compliance Unit through the toll-free hotline (866-896-0600) or send us an email at wastetires@calrecycle.ca.gov and ask for an EDT application.
  • Generators/End Use Facility Operators: To request “read only” access to EDT so that you may review your manifest records, submit a request on company letterhead with your business name, Tire Program Identification (TPID) number, contact person, and email address for the contact person. Submit the request letter to:

Tire Hauler Compliance Unit
P.O. Box 4025
Sacramento, CA 95812

CalRecycle staff will verify that you indeed represent the business indicated on the application or letter. Shortly thereafter, you will be notified by email to create an EDT account and password (WebPass). Once your account is created, a CalRecycle staff member will contact you and guide you through the features of EDT and what information you can access as a hauler or generator/end use facility operator.

Two Methods Available for EDT

Two methods are available for electronically reporting the manifest information, although paper/mail CTL submittal is still currently allowed:

  • Batch EDT: Requires a business to gather and report batched data in a CalRecycle pre-approved format. EDT users can request approval of their own forms or use the CalRecycle CTL form. Batch EDT is generally used by large haulers as it requires information technology support.
  • Batch EDT File Format and Upload Instructions
  • Web-Based: Enables any hauler to enter data directly via the CalRecycle website. Web-based data entry is similar to ordering merchandise or requesting information on commercial Internet sites and is available to anyone with an Internet connection. It is accessed by using an Internet password.

Questions? Contact the Waste Tire Hotline by email (wastetires@calrecycle.ca.gov) or phone at (866) 896-0600.

Features of EDT

EDT allows authorized haulers to submit tire manifest information electronically. CalRecycle developed this electronic system with the tire community in mind.

  • Private and Secure. A unique WebPass assigned to each waste tire generator or hauler protects confidentiality with powerful encryption technology. Other businesses cannot access your records.
  • Easy to Meet Statutory Requirements. Haulers can develop their own forms instead of the CalRecycle CTL form. (The proposed format must be submitted in advance for approval by CalRecycle.)
  • Available 24/7 for Timely Reporting. Haulers can submit CTLs any time and from any computer. The EDT system is open for business around the clock. Generators or end use facility operators can easily access their manifest account to verify that the hauler submitted the required manifest information to CalRecycle.
  • Compatible. Your business is not required to buy special software. All you need is a personal computer, an Internet connection, and a browser, such as FireFox, Explorer, or Safari.
  • Confirms Report Submission and Verifies Data Instantly. The EDT system automatically checks CTL data for accuracy and completeness. If there is missing information, it lets you know.
  • Reduces Costs. The EDT system reduces the need to mail in documents.
  • Process Large Volumes of Data. The batch EDT system allows you to process large volumes of complete data to be submitted and processed at one time. There are no backlogs for EDT data.

For more information contact: Tire Enforcement, WasteTires@calrecycle.ca.gov