Waste Tire Tracking Form: Comprehensive Trip Log

Purpose of the Form

The Comprehensive Trip Log (CTL) form (CalRecycle 203) provides CalRecycle a mechanism to track the flow of waste tire volumes from the point of generation to the point of disposal within California. The form enables CalRecycle to:

  • Determine the number of waste and used tires generated, transported, and delivered/disposed.
  • Eliminate illegal storage or disposal of waste and used tires.
  • Identify and focus enforcement efforts on violators.
  • Fulfil the requirements of Chapter 838, Statutes of 2000 (SB 876, Escutia).

More information is available on the CTL Data Reconciliation and Enforcement webpage.

How the Form Is Used

The CTL form is a triplicate form used for waste and used tire pickup or delivery transactions. The top copy of the triplicate CTL form has three tear-off receipts. Each CTL receipt must be completely filled out by the registered waste hauler for every transaction performed. The generator and/or end use facility reviews the information on the CTL receipt provided by the hauler to determine accuracy and completeness of the CTL form, and then initials the CTL receipt.

  • The original (top) copy of the CTL form containing the three tear-off receipts is to be left with the generator and/or end use facility for three years at their place of business.
  •  The second (yellow) copy of the form is retained by the hauler for three years at the hauler’s place of business.
  • The last (hard) copy should be submitted to CalRecycle, preferably within 14 days after the initial use of the form, and by law within 90 days as required by PRC 42961.5 and 14 CCR 18459(a)(1). The collected information is analyzed for potential follow-up and enforcement activities.

See the instructions and definitions for more detailed information on how to complete the CTL form.

A sample CTL form is included below. CTL forms for actual use must be ordered in hard copy as each CTL form is uniquely numbered and includes multiple copies.

Who Is Required to Use the Form?

All haulers, including exempt government, common carriers, and agricultural haulers, are required to use the CTL form. This form shall be used for any waste or used tire shipments within California as of Jan. 1, 2006, or the responsible party may be subject to civil penalties.

In all cases, when the form is complete, the CalRecycle copy must be submitted to CalRecycle within 90 days of a given load. All CalRecycle-issued forms have a postage-paid return mailer. The hauler is responsible for submitting the CalRecycle copy of the form. The following table illustrates form requirements based on participant and transaction type. If you are unsure of your participation, see the participant overview for more information.

Who is Required

ParticipantTransaction TypeCompletes CTL Receipt (Required)Initials CTL Receipt (Required)Retains CTL (Required)Submits CTLTo CalRecycle (Required)TPID
GeneratorPick upXXX
End Use FacilityDelivery (receive tires)XXX
Hauler*Delivery (to a facility)XXXX

*Loading tires onto a truck from the hauler facility is considered a point of tire generation. A CTL receipt must be completed by the hauler showing the pickup of waste or used tires.

TPID needed to complete forms

The unique Tire Program Identification (TPID) number is used for identification purposes and is assigned by CalRecycle to each participant in the waste tire manifest program. TPIDs are also required for participants wanting to set up secure access to online business accounts. More TPID information.

Unregistered Hauler and Comprehensive Trip Log Substitution Form

The Unregistered Hauler & Comprehensive Trip Log Substitution Form, CalRecycle 204 (Updated 4/22/10) is required if the following occurs:

  • If a registered waste tire hauler fails to provide a completed CTL receipt when waste or used tires are removed from the generator’s location, the generator must complete CalRecycle 204 within 48 hours of the tire removal and submit the form by fax, e-mail, or U.S. mail to CalRecycle within 30 days.
  • If waste or used tires are received by an end-use facility from a registered waste tire hauler that does not have a CTL receipt, the end use facility operator must complete a CalRecycle 204 within 48 hours of the tire delivery and submit the form by fax, e-mail, or U.S. mail to CalRecycle within 30 days.
  • If the end-use facility accepts 10 or more waste or used tires from a person who is not registered as a waste tire hauler (unless that person has written authorization by the Local Enforcement Agency for purposes of an amnesty day event or a one-time exemption and is transporting no more than 20 waste or used tires to the end-use facility), the operator must complete a CalRecycle 204 and submit the form by fax, e-mail, or U.S. mail to CalRecycle within 30 days.
  • If the person is hauling 20 or more waste or used tires under the written authorization of a LEA for purposes of an amnesty day event or a one-time exemption, the end-use facility operator must report this information on a CalRecycle 204 and submit the form by fax, e-mail, or U.S. mail to CalRecycle within 30 days of the acceptance of waste or used tires from that person.
  • Submit CalRecycle 204 to CalRecycle via:
    • Mail: Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)
      Tire Hauler Compliance Unit (MS 10A-17)
      P.O. Box 4025
      Sacramento, CA 95812-4025
    • Email: WasteTires@calrecycle.ca.gov
    • Fax: (916) 319-7605

Additional Tire Forms Resources

For more information contact: Tire Enforcement, WasteTires@calrecycle.ca.gov