
The central objective of waste tire facility, site, and hauler inspections is to determine, document, and achieve compliance with California’s waste tire laws and regulation through ongoing oversight and operator education. Inspections are also the primary source for accurate tracking information for entry into the Waste Tire Management System (WTMS) database. Inspections are performed by inspection staff from CalRecycle and local Tire Enforcement Agencies (TEA).

The following outlines the process for conducting a complete, thorough, and efficient inspection.

Preparing for the Inspection

  1. Conduct a Review of CalRecycle Records.
  2. Obtain Forms. Make sure you have copies of all of the forms used for inspections.
  3. Tools. Be sure to carry all applicable inspection tools.
  4. What Is a Waste Tire?. This page includes definitions of waste and other tires and photos of tire piles, and discusses which tires count as “used tires” and which are counted as “waste tires.”
  5. When a Direct Count Is Not Possible, Know How to Estimate Number of Tires. This page provides the information you need to:
    1. estimate the volume of the various shapes of waste tire piles you may encounter,
    2. convert waste tire pile volumes from cubic feet to cubic yards and then from cubic yards to Passenger Tire Equivalents (PTE),
    3. convert pounds of waste tires to PTE where the weight of waste tires is known.
  6. Determine Inspection Type. Determine whether the inspection is routine, reinspection, observation, or referral.
  7. Understand Good Documentation. Proper documentation is essential for cases that move forward for further enforcement.
  8. Review Citable Offenses. There are three lists provided, for haulers and manifesting, permit requirements, and tire storage and disposal standards.
  9. Obtain Permission for Site Access. Make sure you have express or implied permission to inspect.

Conducting the Inspection

  1. Determine Business RoleThere are three possible roles when dealing with waste and used tires: generator, end use facility, and hauler (see definitions).
  2. Check for Business Role Requirements, Including Manifesting Requirements. Determine whether they are meeting the business role requirements for their role or roles.
    End-Use Facility
  3. Determine the Number of Tires. Determine how many tires are being stored at a site. This is important to determine whether they are regulated and/or what requirements they are subject to.
  4. Determine Business Type. Find out what type(s) of operations are occurring at the business location (see Survey Form, CIWMB 181).
  5. Permit Regulatory Status. Determine the status (permitted, unpermitted, exempt, and excluded) and what to inspect for.
  6. Document inspection results using the forms, photography, and other methods described.

Handling Violations

  • No Violations. Mark “In Compliance” in enforcement status box on Survey Form (CIWMB 181).
  • For noted violations, mark “Notice of Violation” (NOV) or “Extension” if business is making a good faith effort to comply and fill in the compliance deadline date in enforcement status box on Survey Form (CIWMB 181).
  • Notice of Violation (NOV) Referral Process

Conduct an Exit Interview

After documenting inspection results, go over violations with business representative. If violations are noted, inform the representative of the compliance deadline date noted on the Survey Form. Leave a copy of the Inspection Report, NOV, and handouts with the representative.

Follow-Up and Referrals

  • Follow up within 30 days of compliance deadline date.
  • Refer to CalRecycle Enforcement staff upon third inspection without compliance and mark “Referred” in enforcement status box on Survey Form (CIWMB 181).

For more information contact: Tire Enforcement,